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Old 02-25-2010, 04:39 PM
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Default Ugh, do things ever go good?

Do things ever go well for any length of time when it come to reefing? This past year and a half has been battle after constant battle. Quite frankly i'm starting to get into quite a downer with the hobby. After the broken sagging 90g, i lost most of my fish after the move. Then i was greeted by a bryopsis outbreak that lasted about a year, got that all cleared up, just to set up for the next challenge; Dinoflaggelates. Do things ever just get better and go well? My experience has been seting up for disaster after disaster. And im running out of ideas. Ive been super dilligent with water changes and chemistry. I use premium salt. RO. I'm now trying to stop waterchanges to let nitrates build up. That doesnt seem to be working. And now its at the point where i am going to start loosing my corals and anemones. Its even bad enough that its choking out the indestructible star polyps. I guess i am just looking for a place to vent and maybe find some suggestions or positive encouragment, i am almost ready to throw in the towel...
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:55 PM
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Ok why are you letting your nitrates build up?

I totally feel your pain, I have battled all sorts of pests and algae, it ain't fun (dinos just about did me in). For me, the answer was to remove the sandbed. Not sayin that thats your answer but it certainly fixed a lot of my issues. Then again, I just have different issues now. Moved and lost stuff, MH bulb broke and fried half my tank.

I dunno, sometimes I wonder if it weren't for the "challenges" if this hobby would be near as "interesting". Then again some challenges are too much for some. At this point I keep doing the "I've got so much invested I'm not going to let this hobby beat me" attitude. I'm going to win dammit!!
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Old 02-25-2010, 05:00 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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So sorry to hear this rstar...and yes we all have things happen like this... that just make you shake your head and want to bury it in the sand and never come out...and blurt out some not so very nice words that you would never say under normal circumstances... let alone admit you even know them....

JUST DO THE GIRLY THING... HAVE A GOOD CRY AND BOUNCE BACK... AND GET READY TO ACCEPT THE NEW CHALLENGE....who's afraid of a little...cyano, nuisance algae, bryopsis or even dreaded dino's...turn the lights out and pretend it is beautiful.
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Old 02-25-2010, 05:20 PM
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Come on, you're looking at this the wrong way. Who want's a hobby that's dull and boring and nothing interesting or exciting happens? What you want is an exciting hobby which always keeps you on your toes and never know what to expect next. This is reefing.
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Old 02-25-2010, 05:32 PM
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Problems make a nice reef all the better, because a lot of people don't have reefs b/c they're work and have problems. If it was easy to keep a beautiful tank then everyone would have one. Part of what makes a tank so impressive is that it's hard to keep. Trust me I know b/c mine is garbage! Just think about why the work / problems are worth it... ie b/c the work / problems are what make you're tank such an impressive asset that everyone wants.. except they don't b/c of the work

Ok that made no sense but if Lambos and Ferraris were cheap then everyone would have one and then how great would they be?
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Old 02-25-2010, 07:45 PM
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Yup, it's the challenges that make this hobby interesting. I thing everyone goes through these things and thinks about quiting. I know I have and probably will again.

When things do go well the rewards are... priceless.

Hmm, that was supposed that was supposed to be like the credit card commercial, but it didn't quite work.
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Old 02-25-2010, 08:04 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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I imagine that you are upping your nitrates based upon some of the on-line articles about how to beat dino's. I've also read that you should up your PH to above 8.5 and hold it there.

Keep your chin up...diligence will pull you through it all.

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Old 02-26-2010, 08:41 AM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Come on, you're looking at this the wrong way. Who want's a hobby that's dull and boring and nothing interesting or exciting happens? What you want is an exciting hobby which always keeps you on your toes and never know what to expect next. This is reefing.
Ya if we wanted dull and boring we would all have freshwater tanks
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