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Old 02-14-2010, 08:10 AM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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Default Frogspawn and hammer corals losing head

Well, my frogspawn and hammer corals are dying.

They keep losing one head per day. It is not brown slime but shrink and fall off. I notice this problem after i start doising my vodka. I started out a very small amount but increase the dosing over a week.

I have stopped the dosing now but they are still dying. Someone told me that it is because my potassium is low, is it true? I am not sure what is going on anymore.

All my other corals are doing fine except for brain corals but I think they are being picked by the angel fish.

Any suggestions of what i need to do. My water parameters are

Mg: 1380 - 1400
Alk: 10
Calc: 420-440
Nitrate: 15 (I knows it is high but i has been like that for long time)
ph: 8.2 (test kit) 8.7 (ph probe, calibrate it twice and still the same result, probably broken probe)

Potassium: no idea because no test kit
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Old 02-14-2010, 03:40 PM
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Potasium is required for a low nutirent system like zeovit, or in your case vodka.
Even if this is not the cause of this problem, you should definly test your levels.
I did see some test kits at redcoral for a fair price.
Basicly if your going to dose you must test, this goes for potasium as much as it does for anything else you add to your reef.
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Old 02-14-2010, 03:45 PM
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Your DKH is really high for dosing vodka imo try to keep it more around 7 dkh
...maybe try lowering it a bit and see if that helps
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Old 02-19-2010, 05:38 AM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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The dying rate has been slowed down after i stop dosing vodka. My system is high nutrient that is why i was trying to dosing vodka to bring the level down. I think probably i dosed too fast at once instead let it drip.

HEre is how it dies

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Old 02-19-2010, 02:39 PM
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Mine did the same thing when I dosed coral snow.
Red Coral Online Store

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Old 02-19-2010, 02:45 PM
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re: your pH, say probe calibrated but think broken. Does the probe calibrate ok?

I never had luck with the test kits, but will trust my calibrated probe.
my tank
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