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Old 11-19-2009, 08:34 PM
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Default What is your daily, weekly and monthly maintenance routine?

I couldn't pull this up in a search so I thought I'd ask. Just curious what peoples daily, weekly and monthly reef/tank maintenance routines are?


- Feed fish before lights out (9pm).
- Watch fish, corals, general tank inspection (is that boxfish stuck to the powerhead again?? What frags/colonies has that urchin knocked over now!? ).
- feed LPS corals with turkey baster (every 3 days)
- Clean glass (every 3 days)
- Refill auto top off reservoir (every 2 days).
- replace filter sock (every 3 days)
- Empty Skimmer cup (every 3 days)


- 17% water change (mixed two days prior)
- Mix new batch of Alk and Calc. solutions
- Wash all dirty filter socks from the week
- Test Alk. and Calc. (moving to every 2 weeks)


- Change out GFO and Carbon in Phosbans.


- Test, Mix and dose magnesium
- clean live rock with turkey baster
- clean salt creep in various places
- clean out pumps
- scrape coraline


- daily fresh water auto top off
- hourly Alk and Calc dosing
- RO/DI made when need (stored in 50g drum)
- Parameters (Salinity, pH, Orp, Temp) measured via probes and displayed on display panel + emailed to iPhone every 4 hours.

Last edited by kien; 11-20-2009 at 04:19 PM.
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Old 11-19-2009, 09:02 PM
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Geez...looking at this makes me realize how insane I really am!

- Feed 1x, sometimes 2x
- Drain skimmer cup
- visual check of tank pH, temperature graphs over past 24hrs
- manual dosing of VSV, sponge power, Amino Acids, Coral Vitalizer...and/or whatever else I'm experimenting with these days.
- Visual health check and fish count!
- Stop maintenance activities for 2 minutes to actually enjoy looking at the tank

Every 2 or 3 days:
- Clean 'glas

- Clean skimmer neck/cup
- Alk test, Nitrate test, Phosphate test
- 10% water change

- Replace Kalk in Reactor
- Replace RowaPhos/Carbon (rotating schedule)
- Pull out dead coral and replace with new $50 piece (kidding)

- Ca test, Mg test
- Get right in there and scrape coraline

- Replace all bulbs
- Calibrate probes
- Replace all peristaltic pump tubes
- Service all pumps and OM4ways
- Replace CO2

- Replace probes
400 gal reef. Established April, 2007. 3 Sequence Dart, RM12-4 skimmer, 2 x OM4Ways, Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown (pair), Blonde Naso Tang, Vlamingi Tang, Foxface Rabbit, Unicorn Tang, 2 Pakistani Butterflies and a few coral gobies

My Tank:
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Old 11-19-2009, 09:06 PM
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Look at tanks
feed fish
look at tanks
top up fresh water
stare at tanks
empty skimmer cups
stare at tanks

scrape coraline algae

see daily

Every 2 Months:
clean pumps
maybe a water change and change out carbon or let it wait until 3rd month...
Maybe check alk and salinity
Refill calcium reactor
Make up NSW (only if a water change was done)

calcium reactor

300g tank

Last edited by marie; 11-19-2009 at 09:08 PM.
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Old 11-19-2009, 09:27 PM
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- feed fish (1 - 4x a day depending on when I'm home)
- stare at coral
- laugh at jawfish antics
- clean glass (every few days)


- 5g water change (~20%)
- check SG, Ca, Alk
- top up ATO reservoir
- make 20g of RO/DI for next two weeks
- wash skimmer cup


- Change out GFO and Carbon in Phosbans.
- test Mg


- frag where necessary to prevent deaths
- scrape coraline


- RO/DI water auto top off
- Alk, Ca, Mg and vodka dosing
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:36 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Wow, most of you make it sound like WORK!!!

Feed several times (frzn, pellets)
Add Kalk saturated water from 2L juice jug
Observe at fish & corals throughout day & reposition fallen corals.
Surf Net for new fish/corals/inverts to add to tanks
Visit Canreef/BCA (throughout day)

Clean glass (3x)
Empty skimmer collection cup (2x)
Top up sump/reservoir (2x)
Dose Mg/Ca/Lugol's (1-2x)
Feed Nori (3x)

Every 3-4 months:
100-140g water change (recycle 210g reef water into 120g fowlr/softie tank)

Every 16-22 months:
Change out 14000k Aquaconnect or Phoenix bulbs
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Old 11-19-2009, 11:25 PM
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check controller numbers
top up reservoir with feshwater and calcium
dose alk/Mg by drip tubes
replace any corals that Bubba (trigger) has knocked over
feed fish flakes/pellets in morning
feed fish nori in the afternoon
feed fish fresh/frozen in early evening
feed nem & some LPS twice a week
clean glass every second day

clean all 3 skimmers: cups and necks
10% water change on the 225g (I have a lot of fish in this tank )

10% water change on 90g and 35g

change all media
clean Becketts on skimmer
clean any pumps that need it
clean salt creep where necessary
clean algae, etc from overflows if required

change all bulbs
replace probes
225g reef
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Old 11-20-2009, 12:06 AM
Leah Leah is offline
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Mine is really basic compared to some of you

Feed twice frozen/flake
Top up daily
Scrape algae
Empty skimmers
Pull out dead fish/corals


Combined water changes of about 20 gals
Make new water for the following week
Blow yuck off rock
Replace dead stuff
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Old 11-20-2009, 03:42 AM
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Look at tanks, count fish (glad to hear I'm not the only one), look to see if any of my SPS have turned into the "rare and elusive white solomon island acropora" overnight
Feed nori
Feed mysis or whatever other frozen "flavor of the month" food I've bought
Inspect rock/corals/fish for various cooties.
Look at controller to see that temperature is in range.
Right any turned over or fallen frags.
Watch fish to make sure they're all behaving relatively "normal"
If tank is doing well and decent looking, spend more time looking at tank and admiring progress. If tank is sucking hard, walk away and check internet for possible solutions/look at pictures of better tanks/corals.
Look at coral websites and lament not having won the lottery.

Fill up top-off tote
Clean skimmer cup, spend 30 mins trying to get skimmer restarted (impeller is old and crusty)
Waterchange (volume varies with enthusiasm/state of tank levels 10-40%)
Change carbon
Clean glass

Make up new Mg, Ca, Alk solutions for dosing pump
Check Mg, Ca, Alk to make sure its in line
Check various other parameters just because I bought the tests and I should be using them
Clean Tunze powerheads

Every couple months:
Change phosban and wonder why I still have algae growth
Take skimmer completely out and clean with vinegar

Change out bulbs (Yeah boxing day sales!)
Christy's Reef Blog

My 180 Build

Every electronic component is shipped with smoke stored deep inside.... only a real genius can find a way to set it free.
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Old 11-20-2009, 07:29 AM
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Lobsterboy - why so much testing of Ca and Alk?
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Old 11-20-2009, 03:05 PM
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Prime Zeo reactor and dose zeo products before I go to work
Look at the tank in the dark

Feed frozen soaked in selcon/garlic
Look at tank
Dose zeo/prime reactor

Empty skimmer collection container
Turn RO unit on to fill resevoir
35 gallon water change (I will probably change this to every 2 weeks)

Clean skimmer neck
Siphon crap out of sump and other areas

Every 8- 10 months
Change lights? (haven't gotten to this point yet)
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