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Old 11-04-2009, 02:49 AM
DACJ DACJ is offline
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Default Six-line Wrasse Question

My sixline has always been a beauty, and I liked how it's mouth is like a beak...;however, recently I've discovered that the "beak" is not as sharp or not as pointy as it looked before, I told my wife, but she said it had always looked like that, and I thought maybe cause it grew a little bigger in size, or that may also be the reason.

Now, I just got home, and for the first time I see the reason why her mouth is not as pointy as before, in fact, I'd like to say, her mouth is damaged...
She has been attacking? or nibbing on the tank glass for sometime before and after I got home, and I assume she has done it before to result in the shape of mouth changing, has anyone had this issue before? I am seeing the lower part of mouth with a little white color, afraid it is badly damaged already, but I don't see any "food" (any kind) on the glass, so I have no idea why it is attacking the glass...
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Old 11-04-2009, 03:03 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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six lines are known to be bullys. He is attacking his reflection in the glass.. thinking it is another wrasse. Mine spends hours fighting himself.. but he never wins
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Old 11-04-2009, 04:55 AM
DACJ DACJ is offline
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Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
six lines are known to be bullys. He is attacking his reflection in the glass.. thinking it is another wrasse. Mine spends hours fighting himself.. but he never wins
so I don't have to worry about her injuring her mouth then? Cuz she never pick on other fish in the tank ( they were all introduced together). I don't mind she trying to fight herself =P Just that I don't want the mouth to become a serious injury and become the cause of death =.="

I've got 1 firefish goby and 1 sleeper goby (maybe lined, hasn't yet been identified =p ) and 1 false perc. clown was only introduced about 4 months after sixlines was already in there, but nothing happened. The sixline has only showed aggression towards the peppermint shrimps when they were introduced to the tank, but only for a 10 seconds maybe, and she left them alone.
Stock RSM 250

Looking for a cheap LED for it and a cooler.
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Old 11-04-2009, 05:37 AM
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It sucks that it's an idiot and attacking th glass to the point that it's hurting itslef. Dunno what you can do to dissuade the activity besides not having glass

If it's of any consolation, mine is an idiot like that too. Timid as hell (even the jawfish scare it off) but she always puffs up at her reflection in the glass (then runs away from it since she's a big wuss).
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