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Old 08-15-2009, 04:05 PM
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Default need Help on Blotchy anthias

Ok here is the problem, Kelly has my BLotchy anthias that i have been wanting. Kelly has been amazing in sending me stuff out on the bus instead of flying. THanks KELLY. Ok so who has BLotchy anthias and are they really hardy. for me to get them its going to be a 12hours bus ride. from Lloydminster to Brandon, the bus will leave at 4:35pm today and get into Brandan at 06:00AM on Sunday.

I have had Blood shrimp ,snails, cleaner's SPS, shipped to me from him with positive results am i wasteing my time with the price on 3 Blotchy anthias are they going to make it
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Last edited by Skimmerking; 08-15-2009 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 08-15-2009, 04:46 PM
OceanicCorals-Ian- OceanicCorals-Ian- is offline
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I have 2 in my LPS system and they are great fish. I find them hardier then any of the anthias that I've had in the past.

They should ship no problem as they travel over 24 hours to get here from Indo. Kelly knows what he is doing so I wouldn't worry about them being shipped.

Mine have been with me for almost a year and although the ones I have won't touch Sexy Shrimps; the other two that I sold did, so be careful with little inverts.

Other then that, they eat every thing and anything. Mine feed on flakes and mysis and I only feed them every other day and they are still nice and fat.

The two are in the same system (6') tank and aren't aggressive towards each other; however I understand that they can get aggressive if they are kept in a shorter tank.

PM me and I can let you know who has the other pair if you want to contact them and ask them for advice.

Great fish in my opinion and although they are expensive; they are really cool and not shy.

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Old 08-15-2009, 04:53 PM
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cool i will be getting 3 of them and my tank is 60x24x24 pm me your number ok i will call you now
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 08-15-2009, 05:16 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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I have 2 of them.. and yes they do eat sexy shrimps! Mine are in a smaller tank and they do not like each other at all.

They are a very hardy fish and mine eat anything offered to them. They also dont jump as some anthias do. Im sure it will survive the bus ride just fine.

However, being a deep water species they are prone to swimbladder problems. My smaller one developed this months ago. It doesnt seem to bother him too much as he still eats like a pig, but his new name is Bob Since he tends to float now, hes adapted to hooking his fins into the rocks and seems to get by ok. He has a noticible bubble on one side. I watch him closly and if he ever seems distressed I may try a small gauge needle and see if I can asperate some air out.. but for now he gets by just fine. I have also read that in goldfish feeding flakes at the surface may cause them to swallow air.. which makes sense in my case, as his favorite food was floating flakes, and I used to remark how he fed like a big mouth bass at the surface, So you may want to stay away from floating flakes.
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Old 08-15-2009, 07:32 PM
OceanicCorals-Ian- OceanicCorals-Ian- is offline
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Default Blotched Anthias

I was hoping you would chime in Borderjumper and share your experience with them.

They are great little fish. In regards to feeding them flake, I usually put a pinch of flake in the tank and let it submerse so that the flakes are distributed under the water surface, this way it is difficult for them (Anthias) to ingest air from feeding off the surface.

Having said that, maybe you shouldn't feed flake just in case as there are other feeding options for these fish. The don't seem to be too finicky and especially like mysis as well.


Last edited by OceanicCorals-Ian-; 08-15-2009 at 07:42 PM.
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Old 08-15-2009, 07:57 PM
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that is what I always do for the flakes then all the fishies get it.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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