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![]() I am interested in adding a refugium to my system, primarily to house macroalgae for nutrient control. I was wondering who is already doing this, what your experience has been and what you would recommend for my system. I have a 200 gal display tank and a 33 gal sump at present. I was either going to get a bigger sump and add a refugium section or plumb in a separate refugium.
I currently run zeolites, FM additives and have phosphates of ~0.00 and nitrates of <5 but am interested in a natural alternative. How big should my refugium be and what type of macroalgae should I consider? Your input would be very much appreciated. |
![]() While a heck of lot smaller my 12 gallon has been running a chaeto refugium since May. I think Chaeto is the common macro to grow as there is little or no chance it will "go sexual" and foul up the water with spores.
That said often chaeto refugiums are often on a reverse light cycle so as to keep up pH during the night when regular lights are off and CO2 levels rise. Now I am reading that it might make more sense to leave the fuge lights on 24/7 as you get a better nutrient export. Have I noticed my 12 gallons improve since the chaeto fuge? Hmm maybe, it sure grows a lot of chaeto! Last edited by Snaz; 07-13-2009 at 03:59 AM. |
![]() I grow both cheato and gracilaria. Some people I've talked to complain that certain types dont grow well for them while others grow extremely fast so you may want to try a few and see for youreself. As for size I'd recommend as big as you can fit. More water volume is always helpful for system stability.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft Old 120gal Tank Journal New 225gal Tank Journal May 2010 TOTM The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour |
![]() Pat I am running a small 'fuge with my system and use cheato, LR, DSB. Go as big as you can, try to use a gravity return to your display tank, and use a reverse light cycle.
![]() My 210g mixed reef has a 75g sump/refugium (50% fuge) with lots of extra LR & LR rubble, as well as different macro for nutrient export.
My 120g fowlr (now softie reef) has a 90g wide sump/refugium (66% fuge) with lots of LR & macroalgae for nutrient export.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it! |
![]() I have a 145g display and a 75g sump, to which I've added a 20g primarily Chaeto refugium.
Before the dedicated fuge always had zero or near zero NO3 and really no algae problems but did have a small area just between the baffles for Chaeto, so really can't say the dedicated 20g made a differance with nutrients.
my tank |
![]() I run a fuge with chaeto on a reverse light cycle. You know it's doing something because the macro is growing and taking up nutrients as it does so. A side benefit is that chaeto and other macroalgaes encourage a larger pod population by giving them a great place to reproduce.
![]() I have been running a skimmerless, mineral mud type sump/refugium on my 72 for 2 years now. I grow several types of caulerpa and chaeto on 24 hour lighting. I don't do a lot of water changes and still have undetectable nitrate and phosphate levels. Seems to work for me. I may eventually add a skimmer to create a hybred system, but everything is going good so I'm not sure if I want to change.
72 gal bowfromt mixed reef sps dominated, 25 gal mineral mud type sump/refugium Skimmerless 2x250 14000k phoenix hqi 2x96 pc actinic, 50x flow |
![]() I have a 70g sump with a 31g refugium, with live rock and rubble and several kinds of macro algae, on a reverse light cycle, for the 225g mixed reef tank.
And a 54g sump with a 16g refugium with DSB, live rock & rubble and a very thick growth of macro algae, also on a reverse light cycle for the 90g mixed reef tank.
225g reef |
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If you plumb a pipe between the sump pump and the tank and have the refugium sit higher than your tank here is what you can do. You place a valve between the pipe and refugium and restrict the flow to very slow. The inlet pipe simple hangs into your refugium and the out pipe comes from the top of your refugium and into the display tank. It is a gravity flow. That way in addition to chaeto you can cultivate tonnes of pods and other things in the refugium to feed your large tank. The pipe from the refugium should go right down to the bottom of the display tank. If you do not do this, fish simply hang around the pipe and feed as the critters flow into the display tank. I feed my refugium daily with phyto to encourage a highly populated refugium. |