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Old 04-03-2009, 05:19 AM
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Default ZEO weekly water changes?

Why is it necessary?

I like doing them anyways and its a great habit but my fiance asked me today why I change water every week now (actually twice a week) and I have no idea why
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Old 04-03-2009, 05:25 AM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Why is it necessary?

I like doing them anyways and its a great habit but my fiance asked me today why I change water every week now (actually twice a week) and I have no idea why
its necessary to replace macro elements that are used by the zeolites, bak, etc. i find not as much to keep kh and ca up either using the KZ salt.

before i was using zeo i would do a 10%wc everyweek, or even twice a week depending on issues that would arise.

now with zeo the past 5months, i have been doing 5% wc every two weeks.

i was hesiante at first to stop the weekly water change, but after 2 weeks i noticed a difference all around the tank, by holding off the wc.
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Old 04-03-2009, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by lobsterboy View Post
its necessary to replace macro elements that are used by the zeolites, bak, etc. i find not as much to keep kh and ca up either using the KZ salt.

before i was using zeo i would do a 10%wc everyweek, or even twice a week depending on issues that would arise.

now with zeo the past 5months, i have been doing 5% wc every two weeks.

i was hesiante at first to stop the weekly water change, but after 2 weeks i noticed a difference all around the tank, by holding off the wc.
Sorry...I am confused....good changes by doing every two weeks or bad changes?

For me, weekly is easier than bi-monthly. Just because I would rather do smaller changes than one big one. Actually thats why I do them two times a week instead of once.

But my fiance was asking and I didn't really know why...just said I was told to do them. Then she asked if ZEO makes salt and recommends strongly that you use their salt to do weekly water changes...hmmmm, never really thought of that before.
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Old 04-03-2009, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Sorry...I am confused....good changes by doing every two weeks or bad changes?

For me, weekly is easier than bi-monthly. Just because I would rather do smaller changes than one big one. Actually thats why I do them two times a week instead of once.

But my fiance was asking and I didn't really know why...just said I was told to do them. Then she asked if ZEO makes salt and recommends strongly that you use their salt to do weekly water changes...hmmmm, never really thought of that before.
ok, first off i am using the KZ reefers best salt, it blows at buffering your tank, i test my kh before and after a 8gal wc, and dose accordling from there, but the salt, its packed with lots of trace elements, that are not in your standard mix, the first time using it, it was insanely great, i had a brown digi, that turned insane purple after a 10%wc, so yes good changes, i seen better polyp extension the whole 9yards, only after a few wc;s.
so after i was reading that you can do less water changes as the zeo system lowers your need to export nutrients, and the reason for the wc is to add minor trace elements.
if your not using it, i highly suggest to give it a go, its not that much more than your standard salt mix, and if you dont like it, you can always sell it ot trade for some frags or waht ever.
i think there system and "the guide" should be followed, i dont follow it to a T, but try to stick within there guidelines, even if it seems crazy at the time, but i think its working for me.
they only guide lines i broke, were, not turning the reactor on and off for the start up of 3hrs deal, and have kept my flow through the reactor the same for the past 6months, not increasing or decreasing it. and havent changes my zeostart, bak or food. kept them all the same. as they say you can increase or decrese it after awhile by a drop or 2. depending on stocking levels
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Old 04-03-2009, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by lobsterboy View Post
ok, first off i am using the KZ reefers best salt, it blows at buffering your tank, i test my kh before and after a 8gal wc, and dose accordling from there, but the salt, its packed with lots of trace elements, that are not in your standard mix, the first time using it, it was insanely great, i had a brown digi, that turned insane purple after a 10%wc, so yes good changes, i seen better polyp extension the whole 9yards, only after a few wc;s.
so after i was reading that you can do less water changes as the zeo system lowers your need to export nutrients, and the reason for the wc is to add minor trace elements.
if your not using it, i highly suggest to give it a go, its not that much more than your standard salt mix, and if you dont like it, you can always sell it ot trade for some frags or waht ever.
i think there system and "the guide" should be followed, i dont follow it to a T, but try to stick within there guidelines, even if it seems crazy at the time, but i think its working for me.
they only guide lines i broke, were, not turning the reactor on and off for the start up of 3hrs deal, and have kept my flow through the reactor the same for the past 6months, not increasing or decreasing it. and havent changes my zeostart, bak or food. kept them all the same. as they say you can increase or decrese it after awhile by a drop or 2. depending on stocking levels
I did try the salt and never saw a difference. I also was not impressed with it. I am using the Deltec salt now and seen a difference using it. Now that could just be ZEO kicking in...

How do you know the salt is making the difference? Not saying your wrong (not going to argue with the results of your tank ) but its so hard to know whats making things better once you start ZEO. Which in the end really doesn't matter--if its working, keep doing it and be happy I have just had a hard time figuring out what is working and why...I stopped with coral snow for a week and a half and got cyano, so I am quite sure it does help with cyano. I guess I could go back to the KZ salt now and see what happens.

I have been very happy with the Deltec salt and with stick with it but I was just curious as to why so many water changes. As time goes on and this tank matures, I will be doing less.

I may also grab some KZ salt and use both. I actually did mix them together about 50/50 for a month awhile back. I think I will do that again.
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Old 04-03-2009, 07:42 AM
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i did try the deltec salt as well, it was ok, but nothing like what i had seen in the purple digi, and when using the deltec, i found that i was losing color on the sps. then had went back to the KZ salt and it took about 2 wc;s to get back what i once had.
i cannot tell you the science behind what makes good salt. and your right "its so hard to know whats making things better once you start ZEO" if your looking for an answer to this and have time, stop using zeo for a month or 2 and see if there really is a difference.
all tanks are different, and there are so many factors involved.
best thing to do is email KZ and i have in the past, and ask a few questions and get it right from the horses mouth.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I did try the salt and never saw a difference. I also was not impressed with it. I am using the Deltec salt now and seen a difference using it. Now that could just be ZEO kicking in...

How do you know the salt is making the difference? Not saying your wrong (not going to argue with the results of your tank ) but its so hard to know whats making things better once you start ZEO. Which in the end really doesn't matter--if its working, keep doing it and be happy I have just had a hard time figuring out what is working and why...I stopped with coral snow for a week and a half and got cyano, so I am quite sure it does help with cyano. I guess I could go back to the KZ salt now and see what happens.

I have been very happy with the Deltec salt and with stick with it but I was just curious as to why so many water changes. As time goes on and this tank matures, I will be doing less.

I may also grab some KZ salt and use both. I actually did mix them together about 50/50 for a month awhile back. I think I will do that again.
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