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Old 03-30-2009, 07:24 PM
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Default Anyone moved a tank??

I searched and still can't find any good guidelines on moving a tank.

There is a chance that I will be moving across the city (edmonton)
in about 60 days. I have :

10gl nano s.w. with corals, cuc, fish and a shrimp
10gl f.w. gold fish tank
and 1 20gl tall s.w. that I was just starting to set up 35lbs of sand, 15lbs of rock.... that's about it...

Now.... how the heck do I move these fish to a new house? put the water in buckets? leave the sand and rock in the tank? totally drain the tank?

anyone have good links? or advice?
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Old 03-30-2009, 07:43 PM
chandigz chandigz is offline
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Small tanks are easy. Remove rock and cover with damp towel or paper(falling/shifting rock can break glass) Sand can be left in the tank. Remove fish and coral and put in bags(they can be injured in a bucket). Take as much water as possible. Have some saltwater premixed in case of emergency.
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Old 03-30-2009, 08:45 PM
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is it going to be safe to add the fish back in when they get to the new house? will the LFS possible give me some bags to transport the fish? what do I do what the corals that are stuck to the rock>?
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Old 03-30-2009, 09:10 PM
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I moved my 90g with no losses, however i moved it into a 120g that i had set up already. But the principal should be the same. I put all my LR into garbage cans, fish into a styrofoam box that i got from the LFS, and same with my corals. Save as much water as you can, and have more premixed if you can. I also moved the 120g upstairs after the GF decided that there was room upstairs for it with the same technique. Both times i dripped the boxes after i had the landscaping done to avoid any shock. with your small tanks you should have no problem. Get some friends that have some SW experience, or FW for that matter if you have any, that will help make it easier.
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Old 03-30-2009, 09:16 PM
toxic111 toxic111 is offline
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I moved my 38 gal twice in a few months last year, with only one loss (my cleaner shrimp)

We took all the rock out and put in rubbermaid containers with tank water. Put all the fish in a 5 gal bucket with water, inverts in another tank.

Basicly left all the sand in and moved it like that.

Once set up at the new locations, we poured fresh saltwater in, (about 10 gal) set-up the rock, then added the rock water back in, then added fish, got pumps going, then did a drip on the inverts for an hour or so, and we were good to go again.
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Old 03-30-2009, 09:40 PM
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I moved my 75 twice by just removing the water. Put it in rented jugs, took it all to the new place, dumped it back in. Less than an hour. There was enough water left on the bottom to keep the fish wet, no losses. 10g should be way easier.
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Old 03-30-2009, 09:40 PM
kelbri kelbri is offline
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I wonder if it would be worth (depending on how many fish and coral you have) to drop them into a friends tank while you move and set up. Is it worth the acclimation time to 2 different tanks in as many days? This way the livestock is out of the tank a limited amount of time, and you can take a little extra time to set up the tank (no big rush anyways).
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