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Old 02-01-2009, 06:07 AM
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Default What on earth happened to it?

I noticed my anemone was not looking so fresh this morning. Finally I gently turned it over and see it is almost blown open on the bottom side. It is not soft tissue and it very rubber like in appearance. I don't know where it is coming from but there is a bubble of normal tissue underneath it. I don't know how to post full sized pictures but here is a link to the picture in my photobucket.

It is hard and like rubber and I feel no holes or damage aside of the odd looking flesh. My poor clownfish is beside himself and I am wondering if I should take this anemone out. I have been unable to find any useful info on what could have possibly happened to him. It also looks like its insides are coming out of its mouth. The damaged tissues looks like it was shredded on a cheese grater and healed up with scar tissue if that makes sense.

I am sorry about picture quality but it is all I have for the time since I have a camera phone. I saw a hermit crab by it the other day but thought nothing of it. It looked excellent last night and not so fresh this morning. SHould I take it out?
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Old 02-01-2009, 06:16 AM
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You just do this [IMG]http:/.... (image location)[/IMG]

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Old 02-01-2009, 06:43 AM
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You make it look so easy.

Thanks for posting pics of my odd and creepy nem. I hope it makes it but I'm thinking I should pull it before bed.
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Old 02-02-2009, 02:46 AM
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How's it going with that. Sure doesn't look good.
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Old 02-02-2009, 03:54 AM
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I had to take it out this morning as I did not feel it was worth risking my system any longer. I have no idea of what happened to it but it appeared that something had been feeding on it. It still was stinging but there was another area on its base that appeared to be eaten away. I could stick my finger into it. It was not rotting but it was clearly missing tissue. It looked damaged and not decomposing.

It was fantastic the night before was eating and I had no worries about it. What happened to it overnight is a mystery and no research prepared me for what I saw in the morning. My poor clownfish is homeless now, and I have no way of learning anything from this loss so far. I know this is a new system, however the rock is from a canreef member and is well matured, and my water params were perfect.

I hope someone might have some insight into this eventually.
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Old 02-02-2009, 04:41 AM
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What are you nitrates at?

Anemones don't really tolerate nitrates being too high and I know you have a lot of fish for a reef set up. I would test and see.
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Old 02-02-2009, 01:17 PM
Ollie Ollie is offline
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If it's not to late. You might try keeping it in a seperate tank. It might be splitting.
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Old 02-02-2009, 04:49 PM
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I had to take it out since I did not want to take any chances. I have almost 400g of water running through my system but did not want to foul it up

The only other thing I could think of is I am missing a seahare. I found no body, and my params did not spike at all. I know it is gone though and have no clue where it went to. They are clumsy and I don't know if it might have fallen into the nem. If it did could it have done this to it? I am doubtful but am running out of options at this point.

Originally Posted by Ollie View Post
If it's not to late. You might try keeping it in a seperate tank. It might be splitting.
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Old 02-02-2009, 05:34 PM
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You sure your puffers did not eat the seahare?

You are keeping a bunch of inverts with puffers and they usually will eat them eventually. Unless your watching the tank all day long, you may not know. They will leave them alone for months, or sometimes even years and then one day just decide to eat them. Especially the dogface.

Your nem may not have been killed by the puffers but I wouldn't put another one in your tank because its not likely that you will keep getting away with it. They will usually bite it a few times to see what it is and then leave it since they usually don't want to eat them. But often times a few bites is enough to kill the anemone.

I would just be careful about inverts with them because as they get older, they usually start to kill more of them.
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Old 02-02-2009, 07:14 PM
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Sadly I lost my dogfaced puffer in a frak accident last week, and still don't want to talk about it. I won't be ever getting another but she was healthy and eating. It was just a sad thing.

I have done my best for Griff and I love that fish, but I don't think I can keep him anymore. I cannot argue with you that he did these things or not. You have far more experience for me to even question you about this. I do find it hard to believe that he did eat the nem since it was in a rock corral and impossible for him to get to the areas it was damaged. The clownfish laid a beating on him a couple of times for coming close and Griff backed off and pouted.

I think I will have to place Griff in a new home I am very sad to do this, and heck knows how hard I tried to make him work. It was my fault for buying him and trusting what I was told in the end. He has eaten everything small enough to fit into his mouth. He was the first fih I put into this sytem and he is my pet, but this last rash of events makes me know I can't have him.

People come over and see him swim right into my hand for belly and head rubs, and enjoy him so much. I am so broken hearted that I will have to let him go. I am sure he will be here for a very long time since I cannot think of a single person with a big tank and would want a nightmare. He is not goign to an LFS but will be up for sale or free to a good home.

I was offered a Golden Puffer and I already declined since I now know better. I feel like such a failure and this is all my fault for all the grief due to my lack of experience.

Thanks for the adivse and help with him Justin and for holding your tongue when I did stupid things. I appreciate it more then you think.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
You sure your puffers did not eat the seahare?

You are keeping a bunch of inverts with puffers and they usually will eat them eventually. Unless your watching the tank all day long, you may not know. They will leave them alone for months, or sometimes even years and then one day just decide to eat them. Especially the dogface.

Your nem may not have been killed by the puffers but I wouldn't put another one in your tank because its not likely that you will keep getting away with it. They will usually bite it a few times to see what it is and then leave it since they usually don't want to eat them. But often times a few bites is enough to kill the anemone.

I would just be careful about inverts with them because as they get older, they usually start to kill more of them.
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