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Old 11-21-2008, 09:37 PM
traco traco is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Mill Bay, B.C.
Posts: 70
traco is on a distinguished road
Smile Been awhile but back to salt

I originally had a salt setup for 9 years and changed to freshwater. So it has been 3-4 years since I had a saltwater tank running. Don't know if much has changed? I have a 55 gallon, a 65 gallon (4' length, 16" wide, 19" high), and a 60 gallon (3" length, 18" wide, 2' high). Of the three, which would be a good setup for FOWLR?

No sump, live rock (1 lb per gallon still apply)? Deep sandbed or shallow? Powerheads for water movement, got a couple of those still. A protein skimmer, which is a good one for the tank?

Fish I'm thinking about are a trigger, humu humu or clown, longhorn cowfish, puffer and realize these guys are poop machines and no snails, crabs or shrimp with them. A goby, green chromis, black cap basslet, black perculas are a few favourites. Lighting not an issue with just fish?

Water changes done roughly how much and how often (again, depends on fish load, right)? I don't need to dose anything, do I? My PH is 7.6, conductivity 189, alk 70 mg/L CaC03, hardness is 80.

Have I missed anything? lol
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