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Old 10-06-2008, 07:35 PM
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Default Fish for New tank, what do you think ?

Hey, My 60G is getting ready for fish so I was thinking of what I want to put in there. This is what Iam thinking so far:

-Powder brown tang
-Gold Head Sleeper Goby(not shure if its a good choice)
-venustus angel
-Black Ocellaris clown
-solar wrasse

What do you think of thoes fish for a 60G reef tank ? Any input or advice on these fish would be great.
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Old 10-06-2008, 09:19 PM
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Although the powder brown tang is an excellent choice of tangs, your tank is too small. Tangs need six foot long tanks which give these fish the swimming room they need.

Many reefers have problems keeping the sleeper goby especially in a new tank.

Remember resist the urge to put several fish in a new tank.
Add one and than another one month later.
Thank you for asking for advice before you buy.
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Old 10-06-2008, 09:52 PM
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The tang that i was looking at was very small a juvi, would it be possible to have him till he grows bigger like a year or so then move him to a bigger tank ?
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Old 10-07-2008, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Jordan_Oreo View Post
The tang that i was looking at was very small a juvi, would it be possible to have him till he grows bigger like a year or so then move him to a bigger tank ?
It is not advisable. First of all tangs grow quickly. Even if you have the best intentions of getting a tank large enough to accommodate tangs circumstances might change.
People, move, have financial or family issues or other things and the tang is left in a small tank much longer than the reefer originally intended. Get your tang when you set up your new tank. You certainly chose one of the best ones.

Good luck and have patience.
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Old 10-07-2008, 05:42 AM
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I had a powder brown (when I first started out and didn't really know better/or didn't really want to listen to good advice ) in a 60g. Basically he constantly tormented all the other fish in the tank, honestly it was because (even though he was only 2") he was a tang in a way to small tank. The powder brown stressed the tank out so much that a bad case of ich broke out. We QT'd all our fish for 4 weeks and left the main tank empty and out of the 6 fish that I had in that tank, only my foxface survived.

Please don't learn the hard way like I did and wait until you get a bigger tank first.

Unless the sleeper goby is eating pellets or mysis I would wait at least 5-6 months (allowing for the sand bed to have time to build up a lot of life in it) before buying one.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 10-07-2008, 04:38 PM
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If it a fish only tank the goby will be fine ....if it ia a reef they can be frustrating mine liked to dump sand all over my corals and fill my clams with sand

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