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Old 04-20-2003, 06:18 PM
ndonily ndonily is offline
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Default When to turn the lights on?

My Clown has been battleing Ich for about a week or so. I came across a thread saying that if you have your lights on in the evening and of during the day this could cause enough stress to the animals for ich to thrive.

I live in a below ground basement sweet but it is still fairly light, I set my timer so the lights come on at 4pm and turn off at 12pm(So I can stair at my nano when I get home from work lol).

Should I change my light cycle to sunrise and sundown? If this is yes I suppose it will have to be done in small increments , so I dont stress all the amazing and life on my rock!!?

Thank you for your replies and advice

10 Gallon Eclipse
Stock lighting
50 watt tronic heater
404 minijet PH
13 pounds of Fiji rock
2 pounds of Bali rock
2 pounds of LS
? pounds of Crushed Coral
Kent Sea Salt
live stock
Fire Shrimp
Tank raised percula
1 Scarlet Hermet
5 Blue legged
2 margarita snails
3 Astrea snails
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Old 04-20-2003, 09:29 PM
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My opinion on this is as follow's;
Make your light schedule to suit your needs and when you can see the tank. I see too many people with their light schedule set to the same schedule as their work day Hmmm that makes alot of sense. you get to enjoy your tank for maybe a couple hours after work maybe.

My light's turn on at noon and go off at midnight. My work day is not always the same so this gives me the most flexablility within my schedule. Yes the tank get's some sunshine in the what
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Old 04-20-2003, 10:28 PM
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I don't think the lighting has anything to do with curing ich. Feed him good and soak his food in Kent Garlic stuff.

Too bad it wasn't like freshwater... add some salt and raise the temp to 82°!!!
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Old 04-21-2003, 09:15 PM
C-Hawks C-Hawks is offline
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With all that rock Nathan is there any room left for water??
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