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Old 06-19-2008, 05:56 AM
seanoman seanoman is offline
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Unhappy What the heck happened to my trigger?

Almost 2 weeks ago, I posted a thread and some pics of our new sargassum trigger....we were so excited to get it and it has been nothing short of a nightmare!! We still have not been able to get the fish to eat for us after trying everything that we can think of. The other night when we were doing our water change we lifted up the rock that it had been hiding under for a few days to see if it was still alive, it was but this is what it looks like now:

Does anyone know what this is and is there anything that we can do for it? We have removed it from our main system and it is currently in a tank by itself. PLEASE HELP US!!
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:13 AM
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Not sure what that is but a dip in some medication might help. If you have him in a QT there is a lot of stuff you can add to get rid of bad stuff.
Hopefully someone might know what that is to guide you in the right direction.
Looks like some sort of fungus to me.
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:27 AM
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See the Coral Beauty post. I would use both as it may be both bacterial and fungal.

Was the trigger eating when you bought it?
What are the parameters of the tank.
If it is hiding it is stessed. Stay away from the tank except to feed and water change, and add an air diffuser to help increase the oxygen level.

Last edited by naesco; 06-19-2008 at 06:33 AM.
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Old 06-19-2008, 03:51 PM
seanoman seanoman is offline
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naesco- we got the trigger from someone, not from a pet store and they hadn't had it very long either but that had said that it was eating. Our water parameters are really good, I checked them the day before yesterday and nitrates were at 0, phosphates are at 0, ammonia was at 0, pH was at 8.1. So nothing out of the ordianry there. Can you get medication at any pet store to treat this kind of thing?
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:04 PM
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Would it be possible to describe the head injury more? Is it like a scab, discoloration, or maybe even an open wound with flaking skin?
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:10 PM
seanoman seanoman is offline
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michika- it is like a scab but there is also skin discoloration around the scab as well. It's really wierd looking, I have never seen anything like it. It doesn't look like a wound to me but more like an infection of sorts.
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Old 06-19-2008, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by seanoman View Post
naesco- we got the trigger from someone, not from a pet store and they hadn't had it very long either but that had said that it was eating. Our water parameters are really good, I checked them the day before yesterday and nitrates were at 0, phosphates are at 0, ammonia was at 0, pH was at 8.1. So nothing out of the ordianry there. Can you get medication at any pet store to treat this kind of thing?
You should phone all the fish stores as you will run around trying to find it and lose time.
As Mardel has many products make sure it is Saltwater Maroxy that they have.
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Old 06-19-2008, 05:53 PM
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I think it would probably be best for it to stay in the 75g since it is such a big fish. However I definitely see where you are coming from with being concerned about contamination.

I'm looking at the Seachem website and their available medications and Paraguard is looking like a good catch all type medication. You can click on the link to see all the medications. I'm pretty sure its widely carried but I'm not too sure about that.

What is the triggers behavior like now? Still hiding?
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Old 06-19-2008, 05:05 PM
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Hey Sean,

My Sarg took a few days to eat, but when it started, it was hard to get him to stop. Like Michka said, i would try the clam, or even shrimp, From superstore.

Good luck, i hope he makes it.
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Old 06-24-2008, 08:15 PM
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Hi Sean,

It looks like a bacterial infection eating the skin. My recommendation would be to add the following to food.

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