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Old 04-20-2008, 10:54 AM
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chwkreefer chwkreefer is offline
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Default Gauging interest 150 gallon tank for sale

I'm planning on shutting my tank down by summer, sooner if the customer wants the tank. I tried selling the entire system as is but only had one party interested. I love the hobby immensely but due to a disabling disease I need shut it down.

I have a Seastar tank it is just under 150 gallons it's approx 58" long x 24" wide and 25" high I believe. I would have to double check. It is drilled with 2 holes on one end of the tank. There is still a plexiglass overflow installed on it. (The system is still running and I would need some time to take it down) No scratches, 4 years old. I would be looking to get around $400. SALE PENDING

I have one of Ocean Aquatics Calcium reactors called Aquatic Essentials. The solenoid needs replacing and the circulation pump might need replacement soon too. 10lb tank was just filled. There is still some extra media. I might hang on to it. But if I sell it I would like $300

Mag 18 pump used as return pump 4 years old, runs well - $100

Homemade injection skimmer - $50
mag 12 - $70 SALE PENDING

Note: Nothing else will be released for sale until I have a firm buyer on the tank. There will probably be some other stuff as well.

**Again at this stage it's just to gauge interest and see if there is enough interest in my stuff to make it worthwhile to strip it down and sell. There will be some corals and fish as well.

I live in Rosedale, which is just East of Chilliwack. I'm close to Minter Gardens, close to Bridal Falls, everything would need to be picked up from my residence. The Tank would require 4 able bodied men. Plus we would need a few weeks to coordinate the dismantling. Thanks, Bill

Last edited by chwkreefer; 04-21-2008 at 09:19 AM. Reason: updated items that have sales pending
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Old 04-20-2008, 06:53 PM
cole004 cole004 is offline
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I'm in for the Mag 12
90G Build Jan/2008

Equip - 90G, 20G Sump, Coralife Super Skimmer 65, Drilled mag 18 return, Closed loop[ w/ Mag 5, 2 Hydor Flow - Rotating Water Deflector and Wave Maker, 2 Hydor Koralia1 & 1 Hydor Koralia3. 40bls live rock, 2 48" Aqualight PFO w/ T8's

Livestock - flame angel, yellow tang. maroon clown, blue devil damsel, 5 b/g chromis - 3 Anthelia, 1 feather dusters, 3 hairy mushrooms, watermelon mushroom, many crabs & snails
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Old 04-20-2008, 09:46 PM
CLINT CLINT is offline
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PM sent.
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Old 04-21-2008, 09:21 AM
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chwkreefer chwkreefer is offline
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some items have sales pending. If the tank sale does go through then more items might me added to the list.


PS Thanks to those who have shown interest!
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