Things that make you go hmm
So I bought 3 blue legged hermits a while back. I thought one had died as i found a shell and carcass in the tank.
Today I have 3 blue legs crawling around the tank....I think I have a Houdini crab...lol. |
Just an empty shell from when he moulted, happens all the time. I know the first time my big blue electric crab moulted i was crushed as i thought he had crawled out of his shell and died. Imagine the joy when i found him 4 days later crawling around.
Thanks for that info I thought I lost one a week or so ago. Guess maybe not.
Had a Ghost shrimp do that to me last week in my FW tank. Got 2, 1 was allways shy. Found an empty shell, with legs and all. 5 days later, I see him crawlin around.......
things that make you go hmmm
I had a spiney blue lobster that molted.Man the molt sure looks real even after you dry it out.I used to give them to kids.I bought a pink and turquise spiney lobster and thought the same thing happened,He had his rear in a cave under a rock.I looked around the tank because he was not moving.No luck when I picked up the rock my big ugly red hermit crabs were chowing down on it.Never seen a lobster that colour again.I bleached the dry corals once in super hot water.When rinsing them off I found one of those big ugly red hermits.I put it to the side figuring it was hooped.To my suprise he started walking.He survived heavy bleaching and the almost boiling water.Those big ugly hermits