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Old 09-03-2007, 09:51 PM
scsi scsi is offline
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Default optimal flow rate

I'v been thinking about flow rates on my 77G tank. Right now I have 2 Seio 620's and 2 MJ 400's circulating the water. There is also a Fluval 405 which is only used for mechanical filtration and carbon. I guess that gives me 2040 GPH. Is this adequate for a tank this size? This is assuming that I will eventually want a few SPS in there.
I'm not happy about a few dead spots I can already see in my tank. There's nothing in there except for the LR and a Sea Hare. What I think would work really well is a powerhead that has an automatic 180 degree rotation back and forth. A couple of good sized units like this placed at either ends of the tank would be perfect I think.
Would a Hydor Koralia 3 do something like this?
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Old 09-04-2007, 04:43 AM
scsi scsi is offline
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no opinions on this subject?
Someone must have some advice......
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Old 09-04-2007, 05:26 AM
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Well, the answer is it depends. What kind of corals are you going to keep? Even if you have SPS, if there is a hammer or zoos or other "soft" corals, you don't want really high flow. If you're just going SPS, then load up. I had about 6,500GPH in my 75 with all SPS and bare bottom. Corals loved it, fish put up with it well. If I had a LPS or softie in there, they probably would have had tissue removed. So it depends....
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Old 09-04-2007, 04:10 PM
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I had a 110X flow rate in my 94 and everything liked it soft, lps, sps fish.. the thing is not all flow rates are the same, mine was a very dispursed flow and my rock work created regions of lower flow for the softies.

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Old 09-04-2007, 08:47 PM
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the problem with the powerheads that rotate are they are the typical pressure washer style, very high direct flow, not disperse like a seio, korilla or tunze.
You could look into one of the wavy sea units as they will help with the disperse flow and move random water around.
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