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Old 03-29-2007, 04:21 AM
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Default Powder Brown Tang Sick!!?

Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to this forum - We have only had my tank up and running for just over 1 year. We added a BEAUTIFUL Powder Brown to our 90 gallon about 3 weeks ago. Yesterday he (or she) looked awesome. Tonight when I went to look at him he is totally COVERED in little white spots that kind of look like bubbles?? They are on his fins and even on his 'eye lids'. We have about 10 other fish and none of them have a spot to be seen? Our salinity is .025, ph 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrate and nitrate 0 ish. Does anyone know what it could be? We do very regular water changes (2 a month) and we have neve seen a fish get this sick looking overnight???? i am pretty sure that after looking at pics of ich on the net - that isn't the problem here. Please if anyone has any ideas please let us know. Thanks sooooo much

Last edited by fishyfolks; 03-29-2007 at 04:46 AM.
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Old 03-29-2007, 04:47 AM
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what you are describing is called Ick, tangs are very suseptable to getting this, it is little parasites, fish will get it when they are stressed (ie, new tank, new tankmates, fish picking on them etc) The things I would do would be to get some garlic extract or selcon and adding it to the feedings. Turn of the lights and let him get settled. There are treatments that you can get that are not very expensive that will treat ick, make sure they are coral safe if you have corals..

Best of luck
any other questions do not hesitate to ask,

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Old 03-29-2007, 05:00 AM
Salmon King Salmon King is offline
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Default ick

I f it/s a fish only tank treat with coppersafe right away.I f it/s a reef tank there is not much to do.I would give the tang a freshwater bath.That will get rid of ich on the fish.You should quaratine a new fish for 3 weeks.I have been in the hobby 12 years and have paid the price for not doing it.Garlic is a whise tale.I talked to a marine bioligest years ago.He said it does nothing to stop ich.
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Old 03-29-2007, 05:05 AM
Salmon King Salmon King is offline
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Default ich

Do a freshwater dip.Make sure the temp. and the ph are the same as your tank.Leave the fish in as long as you can./1or2 minutes.Make sure you decloriate the water. After you put the fish in the tankcheck the contianer .You will be surprised how much comes off.
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Old 03-29-2007, 05:16 AM
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I will definately try all of those methods (except copper since we have several different corals) I just didn't think it was ich, but I've been in the internet now for about an hour an I found 1 pic that looks a lot like our guy.....yup, it's ich alright I've raised my temp to 82 and I've lowered my salinity to .023. Any other tips would be great. Thanks everyone!!
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Old 03-29-2007, 05:34 AM
Salmon King Salmon King is offline
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Default ich

I would keep an eye on your other fish.If it spreads i would look into to borrow a tank to treat your fish.All you need is heater and power head.You can give your fish a freshwater dip a few times daily.The fish actualy like it as it gives them releaf .I have run into every disease out there.
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