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Old 02-23-2007, 01:19 AM
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Red face Argh! What have I done???

Hi All,

Well, I feel horrible!! I think I just started WW3 in my tank!

My stocking (in order) WAS:

2 false percs
1 midas blenny
1 lubbocks wrasse

Everyone was getting along fine. So today I picked up up a small flame angel. Just couldn't resist. So I acclimated him as usual and put him in the tank.

Well, all hell broke loose!!! The clowns started attacking the angel right away. 2 on 1! It wasn't pretty! Well, eventually the blenny got ****ed off at the clowns getting too close to his perch and he took a chunk out of a clown. Now there is a small piece of skin hanging off the clown.

I recently turned off the lights and things have calmed down somewhat. The clowns are still launching search and destroy machines every 15 minutes or so. The angel seems to still be undamaged, but very stressed, shaking, etc. I feel bad because the community was pretty mellow until I added this new angel.

So, what should I do? Wait a few days and see if things mellow out? Yank out the angel and bring him back to the store? (i don't have another tank) Have I overstocked (38G tank) and pushed things too far? Will the clown heal? Not sure what to do! I feel horrible for putting all my fish through this!

Any ideas?
50G reef + 20G sump
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Old 02-23-2007, 04:25 AM
Kronk Kronk is offline
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You could try rearranging the rock and doing a big water change... i usually do that when adding a new fish to an established system the fish lose there little territories and make new ones and often they will make room for the new guy.
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Old 02-23-2007, 06:51 AM
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My cinamon clowns have turned to super aggressive mode as of about two days ago. They'll bite my hands repeatedly when I'm working in the tank. They haven't even noticed the new sixline wrasses I added. Haven't drawn blood yet but it's frickin' annoying and I can't quite figure out what started it exactly.
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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Old 02-23-2007, 02:01 PM
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As you have suggested, I think you have added two many fish for your 38g.

A lubbock's wrasse will grow to at least 4" in length, and they are great swimmers. They should really be housed in at least a 75g, IME.

The new flame angel, will also grow to 4" in length. IME, it, too, would be better off in at least a 75g.

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Old 02-23-2007, 04:41 PM
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Do you have much live rock for fish to go and hide if they need to? I've found lots of hiding places usually makes a big difference. Also turning off the lights so just an actinic is on and feeding the fish right after a new acquisition helps. I think you're right on the border with too many fish. I wouldn't be overly concerned and it usually takes a day or two for old fish to adjust to new fish but make sure that if it does get too bad you've got a plan in place to scoop the angel. Good luck.

Have you noticed whether or not your clowns have eggs right now either?
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