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Old 02-03-2007, 11:53 PM
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Default 10 Percent Surcharge has been cancelled

Being that 1 of the 6 people that came to purchase some items from me today stole 1000.00 in a envelope from my money till, I am now adding a 10 Percent surcharge to any purchases.
This will be in effect till I make back the 1000.00 dollars.
I apologize for the increase. However, I don't charge enough money to take a loss like this without having some sort of recourse.
I feel my prices are still more than reasonable.
If the person who stole the money reads this - there are a few things I would like to say that I am sure would be edited so I am not even going to try.
I just want to make it clear, I don't suspect anyone in particular. I apologize to those 5 of the 6 people who came to my home today that didn't take the money that you were even insinuated in this. that wasn't my intent in the least.
Please try to look at it from my perspective and understand why I made the calls.
I feel that this whole thing is a kick in the you know where, as I really try to make an attempt to help people with getting what they are looking for at a reasonable price. So I feel that this is a slap in the face for the effort I make to people.
thanks for the support
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 02-05-2007 at 06:10 PM.
Old 02-04-2007, 12:20 AM
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It's just not from your business but from your home, hope you figure who.
Old 02-04-2007, 12:26 AM
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A GOOD ASS WHOPPING sounds in order
Old 02-04-2007, 12:30 AM
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neal , that is so terrible.....

And ya your prices were so reasonble, always one that ruins it for all..

dirt rotten B*******D
Old 02-04-2007, 01:16 AM
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That really sucks! Is it possible that there was someone else besides one of the six that could have taken it? Sorry, at least I didn't ask "where did you see it last?"

Having said that, why don't you report it to the police? Seriously, the theft of $1000 from your home is a police matter... insist that they send a car and not just take a report over the phone because you do have names. The innocent 5 customers should be more than happy to cooperate and should understand the intrusion given the circumstances. I am willing to bet that the guilty one will have a record for this in their past. A regular person doesn't do something like that for the first time...

Also, before that, you might want to open the door for them to anonymously return the money (or what's left of it) without any further digging or repercussions... that might be the best solution. JMO

Edit: Also, if you can be pretty sure that none of your customers were wearing gloves while in your house, than you should have some nice fingerprints on/in your till. There's no reason for any of those customers to be touching the till right?...
If I were you, I wouldn't touch anything... post a notice and give the person a week to mail the money back to you, after which you will go forward with the investigation and charges... and the shame, don't forget the shame. Whoever it was that succumbed to the weak moment should decide that it is in their best interests to get your money back to you.

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.

Last edited by Fish; 02-04-2007 at 01:45 AM.
Old 02-04-2007, 02:20 AM
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So sorry to hear about this Neal!

I do hope you are able to recover the money! Also, I definetly agree with Chad's post. If there was anything they had to move in order to pull them envelope, prints should be on there for sure.

Good luck in the Recovery of the money!

No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!

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