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Old 01-10-2007, 10:49 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Default UV Effects on Skimmer Output

I came home today to find my apartment smelling like low tide, really nasty. I figured a tank had busted but they were fine. Nothing dead, I couldn't find the source of this smell. After having given up I was filing my ATO up when I noticed that my skimmer cup was pretty full after only a few days so I pulled it out to empty it and figured out where the smell was coming from. I got it to the bathroom and poured it into the toilet and very nearly tossed my cookies. It was the foulest stuff you can imagine, 2 hours later and the bathroom still reeks.

I'm happy to see my skimmer performing but a little concerned as well, I'm surprised to see a change like that. The only thing I've changed recently is adding a UV sterilizer and I'm wondering if that could account for the change?
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Old 01-10-2007, 03:34 PM
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I know with my 90 gal we empty our cup every 3 days I dont know about uv steralizers but to help you out have the water running in the sink open the cup and rince with water the smell is gone almost right away . ours is a horable smell
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Old 01-10-2007, 04:03 PM
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I don't have a UV Sterilizer (yet!), but as I understand it, their function is to kill harmful microorganisms and algae, right? So, I'm thinking that now you're collecting a whole bunch of dead microorganisms, which are potentially pretty stinky when collected together and let to stew for a few days.

Just an idea!

Also...I use vinegar to clean my skimmer cup. Otherwise, the sulfur-shite-nasty smell just doesn't go away.

10G Nano * 10G Sump * Deltec MCE 600 Skimmer * JBL Viper 150w MH * Zeovit * Vortech MP40W

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Old 01-10-2007, 11:10 PM
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I second that theory.
55 gallon cube - 50 lbs LR - ASM G3 skimmer - 30 Gallon sump - 22 Gallon refugium / frag tank - 4x 24 watt HO T5's - Mag 9.5 return - Pin Point PH monitor - 400 watt XM 20K MH in Lumenarc reflector - Dual stage GFO/NO3 media reactor - 6 stage RODI auto top up -Wavemaster Pro running 3 Koralia 2's.

Fully stocked with fish, corals and usually some fine scotch
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