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Old 11-20-2006, 05:52 PM
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Default Good to see

First off, I don't wish to minimize nor offend those people with a standard sized tank but I just want to comment how nice it is to see the number of larger tanks systems that are being constructed and posted. It takes an enormous amount of dedication, DIY skills and money to construct these larger tank systems. And not to mention the amount of modifications made to your residence knowing that these modifications will most likely be detrimental to your future plans when trying to sell your homes.
Only a few years ago when I started this hobby, there was only a handful of larger reef systems in the Lower Mainland (i'm not so sure in Alberta). Now there seems to be one starting up every month or so.
Keep up the Tank Journals....... it really keeps my "giddy" factor and motivation to challenge myself in this hobby.
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Old 11-20-2006, 07:21 PM
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I agree. It seems like in the last couple of years the larger tank phenomenon has really taken off. When I first started in the hobby a huge reef tank was 120g ..

Not sure what's changed, maybe the hobby is growing. At any rate, I think it's great to see the innovations, the ambitions, and just flat out great ideas ...and I think it's fabulous to see these ideas get shared in forums such as this. I can't think of the number of great ideas I've seen in the last few months that I hope to incorporate into my own large tank project.
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:27 PM
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Naw just more old people with gobs of money and nothing to do

Big tanks are so nice, but so expensive it makes me literally cry when i see what can be done with them, knowing i'll not be able have a big tank for many years to come.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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