Black Spots
I noticed about a week ago that my Yellow Tang had some black spots on his body. At about the same time I had purchased some cleaner shrimp. Since then I have only seen one spot on the yellow tang. However, I now see about three spots on my Clowns. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a cure?
Will |
Does it look like this?
http://www.fishbase.org/Diseases/Dis...D1.jpg¬com= If so you are in for a bit of fun. This is usually refered to as Black Ich and is a sign of parasitic worms being present. It's pretty easy to knock the worms off the fish using fw dips, formalin or keeping them in hyposlinity QT tank for a bit. Getting them out of your display is going to be a bugger though. If you don't have any corals I'd move the shrimp out and do a week or two hyposalinity in the display, that should get them. Here's a pretty good synopsis for you: http://www.petsforum.com/personal/tr.../blackich.html |
Exactly, looks like I have a long road ahead of me to get rid of this Black Dot problem. And I just bought an anemone.
Will |
black dot
Do you think the cleaner shrimp brought in the Black Dot?
No, I am positive it was the Yellow Tang. When I bought him he was a little beat up from his tank mates. And the place where I got him from is suppose to quaranteen the fish before selling. I notice a couple of sault like black spots on him when I put him in my tank. Then they came off and now I see them on my clown fish.
I am never, ever going to buy anything else and just place it in my tank. From what I am reading this Black Spot can last in your tank for months. How big of a quaranteen tank will I need for a yellow tang, 2 clowns and a damsel. And I imagine I will also have to QT my cleaner shrimp. Will |
I have been told that if I use a vitemin supplement to strenghten the immune system of my fish. And then buy a Cleaner Wrasse that this would be a natural way to control the Black Spot. However when reading about the Cleaner Wrasse it said that once the paracites are gone it could starve to death. I do not want to bring a new fish friend home only to know he my die.
Just wanted to hear some opinions. |