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Old 10-24-2006, 02:49 AM
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Default Very very sad news for me

It is with a huge amount of sadness that I am letting you know that this
past weekend, while I was in Edmonton - some cruel and heartless person shot my precious Nala. She managed to make it onto the front deck of my house where she died.
I have a pretty good idea who did this but of course no proof.
She was a beautiful and very good little dog who I have never know to wander out of my yard but I have one very cruel neighbour.
I am devastated by her loss and just can't seem to stop crying.
I just don't understand some people. I live in the country on 30 acres and I have livestock that she has nevered ever bothered and like I say I have never known her to go out of the yard.
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Old 10-24-2006, 02:51 AM
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Oh my God. That's so horrible.

I am so so very sorry for your loss.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 10-24-2006, 02:53 AM
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There has got to be some recourse. You can't just shoot an animal. I hope you have the RCMP involved at this point.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 10-24-2006, 02:53 AM
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wow, i just got a new puppy, and have had dogs for many years, i would go crazy if ever found a person who would do such a thing,

i'm really sorry to hear about your dog,
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Old 10-24-2006, 02:53 AM
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that's terrible! sorry for your loss.

have you contacted the police??
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Old 10-24-2006, 02:54 AM
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OH NO! That is absolutely HORRIBLE! You know who did it? No way to charge them? I feel so sad for you Ruth...I remember reading about her when you first got her in August....she was still a heart goes out to you.
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Old 10-24-2006, 03:00 AM
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I am truly sorry to hear about your loss Ruth.
It truly is amazing what some people will do to another being.
Good luck in bringing the bast@rd to justice.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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Old 10-24-2006, 03:07 AM
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Very sorry for your loss, she was a beatiful dog, our neighbor poisioned our golden retriever, and cut our trees down, luckily the dog survived.
There will come a day when your tears of sorrow will softly flow into tears of remembrance.
135 gallon reef
corals:kenya tree,colts,blasto,gold toadstool,gps,zoo's,ricordea,elephants ear,rhodactis mushrooms,finger leather. 7 inch squamosa.

Livestock: powderblue tang,scopas tang,sailfin tang, blue tang, longnose hawkfish, coral beauty,2 clown fish,royal gramma,checkerboard wrasse, sixline wrasse.

soon to running 55 gallon refugium.
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Old 10-24-2006, 03:04 AM
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I don't know if there is anything that I can do. I am only guessing at who I think shot her and I tried to find a blood trail to follow but could not. I have sent an e-mail to my RCMP friend but I don't have any proof - only suspicion at this point.
I am still in shock over this - this dog was rarely even outside unless it was with me. When I left for work in the morning she was put in her crate until my son got up. He works night shift so he would be with her all day until I got home from work. Then we would go for a walk and she just wanted to spend time with people so she would be for the most part inside except to go to the bathroom. She always just stuck around my old fat yellow lab who never ventures very far at all.
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Old 10-24-2006, 03:07 AM
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I have 3 dogs and am very sad to hear of this!my heart goes out to your puppy......:<
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