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Old 04-15-2006, 06:15 PM
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Default Victoria Water

I've heard conflicting arguements that Victoria water is or isn't sufficient enough to use for you tank without running it through an RODI unit. I've had a bit of a hair algae outbreak for the last month or so now and all my parameters are good. I was wondering if anyone has any input to back up either of the statements?
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Old 04-16-2006, 06:22 PM
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I used to use city water for my discus, they were ok but not great. I then bought a RO unit for them and they started to grow fast. They were 2" round when I bought them and when I sold them 8 months later they were 7" to 8" round, healthy, and breeding.

I got my R/O unit cheep cheep from progrow out there in beautiful langford. Its what I use for my reef tank, and I have a little algee.


Last edited by Squinch; 07-11-2006 at 03:05 AM.
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Old 04-17-2006, 03:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Squinch
I used to use city water for my discus, they were ok but not great. I then bought a RO unit for them and they started to grow fast. They were 2" round when I bought them and when I sold them 8 months later they were 7" to 8" round, healthy, and breeding.
Hmmm. Interesting. As a Discus keeper, I have taken note of your observation. My Discus have always just been "ok" as well. Thanx for the information.

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Old 04-19-2006, 06:39 AM
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Anyone else have an opinion on it at all?
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Old 04-19-2006, 07:47 AM
IslandReefer IslandReefer is offline
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Default RO vs. Victoria Tap

When I measure the TDS of my tap water I get between apx 10 and 15ppm . Since Calgary and other landlocked cities have values >100ppm it sounds like our water is almost pure straight out of the tap. But that is only taking into consideration the disolved impureities. Recently I set up my 6ft tank and leak tested the system with tap looking through 6ft of tap water was eye opening....WE drink that stuff?! The color was slightly yellow and there was tons of tiny floating "organic bits" in it..I'm sure it is safe, but I now drink RO from the cooler LOL.
My point is that Victoria water has low disolved minerals but there is lots of other undesireable things in city tap water.....all removed with prefilters (including left over chlorine and chloramide or what ever else they use) on the RO system, then polished up to zero ppm by the membrane.
I think if a person couldn't afford the $100 for the Aquasafe RO/DI then a 1-3 micron prefilter with act. carbon would be my minimum Victoria water treatment.....for a reef tank.
Just MHO

PS. The tank filled with RO was a pristine sight to see.

its all about quality, not quantity.....
...when in doubt buy a Binford....

Last edited by IslandReefer; 04-19-2006 at 07:55 AM.
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Old 04-20-2006, 12:11 AM
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The problem is I have the Aquasafe 100GPD unit but the only sink unit I have has an extendable tap with an adjustable stream output on it. I would rather not change all this out since I like the design and it would be a huge pain. Right now I have green hair algae growing along with very poor polyp extension if any at all. My parameters are as follows:

Alkalinity - 11.2
Calcium - 350 and slowly going up
pH - 8.25
Salinity - 1.024
Ammonia - 0
Phosphate - 0
Nitrate - 0
Nitrite - 0

Lighting period - Actinics (4-96W PC's) 10:00am - 11:00pm
MH's (4 250W DE's) 12:00pm - 9:30 pm (two end MH's)
12:30pm - 10:00pm (two middle MH's)

I've got a Euroreef CS3-8+ pulling lots of crap out as well as a Phosban reactor with Rowaphos to make sure I'm combatting as much Phosphate as I can.

I perform 10% water changes weekly, 20% monthly, and if anything, I found out that I was underfeeding my fish so the only thing I can think of is RO water unless anyone can suggest anything else.
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