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Old 04-04-2006, 09:42 PM
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Angry This Happened Across the Street from Us

Sorry, I've just got to vent......

I'm sure, by now, many Edmontonians have heard about this horrifying story...

Yesterday, we heard about this sickening event when the school involved, which is just across the street from us where our daughter attended Jr. High, and the EPS posted notices in our building's foyer

This morning during rush hour in front of our building, a very visible cop was stopping traffic driving both north and south on our street. He gave drivers papers to fill out and return to him.

At noon, when I got back from food shopping, there were cops in the building going from door to door, collecting information from residents and giving out a written description of the man who did this unspeakable crime

Just now, I saw four cops walk toward the school from the Jasper Ave area.

This neighbourhood is in police lock down. Thank goodness!!!!! We can only hope the cops found enough forensic evidence to convict the evil person if/when they catch him.

....end of vent.

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Old 04-04-2006, 09:46 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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One word. "Castration!!!"
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Old 04-04-2006, 10:43 PM
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The Scary thing is, My 2 oldest where at the local swimming pool here in the grove on Sunday, where a Black man came up to them and gave $5 for the vending machines

They took the money, but they ensist that he didnt ask for anything and just left, we have notified the TLC and now thinking maybe i should call the RCMP out here as well

WE have had this discussion with our kids over and over, but sunday was the worst i think they have heard it from us
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Old 04-05-2006, 01:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Beermaster
we have notified the TLC and now thinking maybe i should call the RCMP out here as well
FYI Mark,

From the literature the EPS left with us....


- Adult black-skinned male
- Wearing a red shirt, and a red and white jacket
- Clean shaven
- Medium length black hair with one orange or yellow streak on each side of the head coming from the middle
- No sunglasses
- Skinny build

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Old 04-05-2006, 01:42 AM
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I can't even say what I think should happen to this SOB as I would probably be kicked off the board. I have no patience or sympathy for these sick individuals that do disgusting things to little children. They don't belong in society - they don't deserve my $ to keep them in prison - they are absolute slime.
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Old 04-05-2006, 07:39 PM
dufferdan dufferdan is offline
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Originally Posted by Beermaster
The Scary thing is, My 2 oldest where at the local swimming pool here in the grove on Sunday, where a Black man came up to them and gave $5 for the vending machines

They took the money, but they ensist that he didnt ask for anything and just left, we have notified the TLC and now thinking maybe i should call the RCMP out here as well

WE have had this discussion with our kids over and over, but sunday was the worst i think they have heard it from us
Side note. I don't think his color is relevent. And he may have just been friendly an nice.
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Old 04-06-2006, 04:57 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by dufferdan
Side note. I don't think his color is relevent. And he may have just been friendly an nice.
Why do people always have to go looking for stuff like this?

I read that as a descriptive term used in the same way you would say white, tall, fat, old, asian or purple. As for relevance, the description of the guy who attacked the girl in the school was of someone with black skin.

Originally Posted by lil_clownfish13
no the scary thing is that people are still scared of BLACK people! If a white man gave your kids money for the vending machines, you'd probably think he was some nice man..
Now that's just offensive, I think you owe Beemaster an apology. He's given you absolutely no reason to asume that.
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Old 04-06-2006, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by lil_clownfish13
no the scary thing is that people are still scared of BLACK people! If a white man gave your kids money for the vending machines, you'd probably think he was some nice man..
Okay WTF!! I dont care the the damn colour of a person is! you come up and give my kids Money, Candy, Toys, or whatever and yea I am going to be concerned, who the hell are you to think just because he was black that i would be more concered? on a sidenote, do you even know what colour i am?

Originally Posted by dufferdan
Side note. I don't think his color is relevent. And he may have just been friendly an nice.
The relevence of his skin colour was due to what happened at a school here in edmonton, where a little girl was sexual assaulted by a black man!

Last edited by Beermaster; 04-06-2006 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 04-04-2006, 10:43 PM
DiscusZ DiscusZ is offline
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better yet a bullet between the legs and then between the eyes
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Old 04-04-2006, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by DiscusZ
better yet a bullet between the legs and then between the eyes
tie him down and let the mother of the girl at him
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