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Old 12-09-2005, 06:40 AM
Joshua Jones Joshua Jones is offline
Marine Aquaria
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: 2854 Calgary Trail
Posts: 127
Joshua Jones is on a distinguished road
Default Good Stuff Having: Frags...**Calgary, pls review.**

Hey Guys,

1. Nice, big Bali Cultured Frags landing next week.

2. ORA Stock too... lots

3. Salt sale (probably best for Edmontonians to take advantage of, because salt is so dumb expensive up here..)

- If your a Calgarian... i'll have pictures posted w/ prices next week. I Don't want to lose any in shipping losses - i want you to actually get the product you want... I'll be down to Calgary the week after Christmas. I can personally drop at some chosen house if you (plural) want in.

- I will not be able to offer info on Exact Avail & Prices 'till mid next week... stay posted for details:

p.s. I'm still looking for help. This is like a casual fun thing... so whomever wants to help with random fun things give me a hollar.. thanks.
Joshua A. Jones
Marine Aquaria Inc
2854 Calgary Trail, Edmonton
780 761 1101

Last edited by Joshua Jones; 12-13-2005 at 12:44 PM. Reason: ** Extra notes for Calgary**
Old 12-13-2005, 12:42 PM
Joshua Jones Joshua Jones is offline
Marine Aquaria
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: 2854 Calgary Trail
Posts: 127
Joshua Jones is on a distinguished road
Default For Calgarians:

A note for the Calgary:

Sorry i completely missed the getting stock organized and posted wednesday night and driven to calgary by friday afternoon plan.. it's always good to shoot for the moon unless you miss horribly... still doing the plumbing on the new system...which is quite extensive...

.. i'll be in calgary after christmas.. so if there's anything that anybody wants (some posted now), I can see what i can
do to drop them off at a decided drop-off-point.

anyway.. thought i would place a note to clear some things up...

take care crew,


p.s. Email if you have any questions..
Joshua A. Jones
Marine Aquaria Inc
2854 Calgary Trail, Edmonton
780 761 1101

Last edited by Joshua Jones; 12-18-2005 at 11:27 AM.

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