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Old 10-31-2005, 04:08 AM
Chipmunk Chipmunk is offline
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Default Goby & Shrimp Not Eating?

So I just got this highfin & shrimp pair.

Problem is after they build their home, they don't seem to want to come out at all. The fish eats brine when he doesn't have a tunnel to be in, but once he's in there, he doesn't come out for food when it floats by and you can't see either of them at all. Should I be worried about them going hungry or will they come out to feed when they feel like it?

Anyone have any experience with how this pair acts as they get used to the surroundings? Theres no other livestock in the tank other than blue legged hermits.
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Old 10-31-2005, 04:34 AM
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I have two of those gobies and I find you have to aim the food directly at where they are currently residing (mine move around every few days which is a total pain). I find these gobies are rather stupid, they don't recognize food until its practically on top of them, and even then its a crap shoot. I find if I soak the food in garlic it seems to trigger them to come out and get the food. That might work for you as well.

Good luck.

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Old 10-31-2005, 05:09 AM
Static Static is offline
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I have a randals goby with a shrimp. Not exactly the same fish but mine hid in the hole for about 3 weeks befor he started darting for food when it floated by. I've had him for a couple months now and he'll dart for food within about 8" of his hole now and completely exposes himself to look around when he can smell the food in the water.
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Old 10-31-2005, 06:35 AM
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I have found that they come out more when the lights are dim. So if you have set up dusk and dawn lighting, then this would be the best time to feed them.
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Old 10-31-2005, 04:04 PM
Chipmunk Chipmunk is offline
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Thanks for the suggestions! I'll give them a try and see if it works.
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