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Old 08-12-2005, 04:33 PM
Saltysteve Saltysteve is offline
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Default My CSS experience (65 gallon)

With all the hype about these Coralife Super Skimmers I just had to try one. The Seaclone has been put to rest
I researched the skimmer before I bought it and learned of only 1 thing that had to be changed, the height in which the pump sat at! I set the unit up as per instructions with the bubble catch and the pump at 2 inches below the surface. The bubble trap was about 1/4 inch above the water line and I set it so there was about 1/2 an inch of bubbles in the "cone". I kept a close eye on it due to a few complaints about leaking etc. Well, after about 20 minutes I had the collection cup 1/2 full of light yellow water so I emptied the cup and adjusted the flow. After about 45 minutes I noticed water coming out of the return breather hole. So I shut it down again and cut a small piece of tubing and slipped it over the return breather. Once running the small hose filled about halfway with water. Another 45 minutes or so passed and I was happy, breaking in it was, so I headed to bed. Woke up this morning to a completely full cup of almost clear water LOL....It was just starting to drip on the floor, very close call. I did set it up as HOB to keep an eye on things etc. I emptied the cup and readjusted but this time it was impossible to obtain 1/2 inch of bubbles. I went straight to the bubble trap and I pushed it down, immediately the water level dropped in the cone and in the small piece of hose I used on the return breather hole. I removed the bubble trap and the water level went right down, adjusted to specs again and this time the adjustment knob was not sensitive at all. I was also able to remove the small piece of hose on the breather as well. I have no micro bubbles entering the tank and I have no more signs of leaking. On my way!

The amount of bubbles visible in the skimmer is quite impressive. I have seen Prism skimmers in action and the Seaclone 100 and 150 but there is no comparison.

Given the mounting brackets, if one wanted to use the bubble trap, in order to keep the trap above the water line you would have to cut the return tube by about an inch. I have opted to leave mine off.
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Old 08-12-2005, 05:16 PM
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Good review, Would love to hear a follow up in a few days. Any pics?

My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start
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Old 08-12-2005, 05:43 PM
Saltysteve Saltysteve is offline
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I keep checking it to make sure all is well
My wife thinks I am a big kid, I said, what's that, you want bigger

I do have some pics:
This one is the first attempt when it filled on me. It also shows the bubble trap in place.

This one is less the bubble trap and I also consider it to be the start of the skimmer.

This one is the production in the first 3 minutes.

Will post an update tonight, if anything changes. According to the package, 24 to 48 hour break in!

From sand to bare bottom!
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Old 08-12-2005, 06:02 PM
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i have the largest version of this skimmer. i am wxtremely happy with it. ot pulls out some really green smelly stuff

it's not the size of the fish, it's the motion in the ocean!
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Old 08-12-2005, 06:15 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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It's a good skimmer, I must have set up seven of these things in the last five months and they've all been pretty consistant.
This and that.
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Old 08-17-2005, 02:49 AM
Saltysteve Saltysteve is offline
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Glad to hear they are consistent. Here is a picture after 24 hours

Here is another picture after 72 hours:

It has been producing about the same consistently. I did go a hair wetter though so I empty the cup every 48 hours.

I have to point out that I believe these results are very good. The tank has been changed to bare bottom as well as about a 40% water change, and the skimmer is still pulling this amount!

After the second day I noticed water leaking around the adjustment dial. It has yet to stop dripping so I have had to install the skimmer into the sump. Will post another set of pics with those results!

So far I am happy! Seems to be a keeper!
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Old 08-17-2005, 03:42 AM
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I think you should adjust your skimmer. Your pulling too much water.
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Old 08-17-2005, 05:06 AM
Saltysteve Saltysteve is offline
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For a bare bottom setup?
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Old 08-17-2005, 12:45 PM
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BB or DSB your still pulling too much water. I know people who also in BB tank but their skimmer dont pull that much water, their skimmer can pull much dry and darker skimate, I mean if that the best CSS can do my pop bottle skimmer in my 20g is doing much better.
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Old 08-17-2005, 01:40 PM
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That skimmate looks pretty good to me. Maybe a little tweaking.
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