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Old 05-01-2002, 12:51 AM
Rainman58 Rainman58 is offline
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Default Complete custom built 180 gal. setup.

Selling my custom built 180 gal. setup. Comes with the following......

2 Water Filters with bio balls
2 Little Giant MD-2 pumps
1 Fluval 404
1 AquaClear 5000 Powerhead
2 802 Powerheads
1 Coralife Super Skimmer4
2 4" Ice cap Fans
2 Tronic 200 watt heaters
1 25 Watt Startronics U.V. Sterilizer
3 X 150 Watt Iwasaki MH
2 X 110 Watt Fluorescents
4 X 40 Watt Fluorescents
Approx. 115 LBS live rock
Misc. fish and corals etc.

All in a custom built stand (white) with 14" canopy which is identical on both sides so it can be used as a room divider etc. Tank has been up and running for over a year now and comes with a 10 gal. feeder tank which sits in the middle of the stand. I have over $6500.00 invested in this setup and will let it go for $4000.00 Firm! No offers! Serious inquires only. Email me for pics.

AL (
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Old 05-01-2002, 01:56 AM
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Default Complete custom built 180 gal. setup.

Just curious, but the price seems a little steep for a used system, even if there is $6500 invested as you claim.

Considering you can get a new reef-ready 180 with stand and hood for around $1200, it's hard to believe that all of your used equipment and rock has a value of $3000? :eek:

Best of luck with your sale, but I suspect if you are firm on your price you will have your setup for some time. But that's just my opinion.
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Old 05-01-2002, 02:53 AM
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Default Complete custom built 180 gal. setup.

I felt the same and also the "150w" iwasaki cuaght my eye.. Is this a typo or are there actually such thing? (in a 6500k range that is)
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Old 05-01-2002, 11:08 AM
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Default Complete custom built 180 gal. setup.

Iwasaki does indeed have a 150W 6500K bulb...
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Old 05-01-2002, 11:45 AM
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That isn't very polite. Al has his reasonings for asking the price he feels is fair. Have you seen the set up in person to say it is or isn't worth that much?

If you are not interested in the set up, comments on how much a person is asking for something is pretty rude. If you have quesstions ask. If you don't have any, have some couth and don't post.

[ 01 May 2002, 07:45: Message edited by: DJ88 ]
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Old 05-01-2002, 12:11 PM
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I understand DJ's point, and I agree that it's impolite to question pricing, but seeing as these are NOT the classifieds, are we not free to comment on the buy/sell posts?

True, in an interactive forum it's up to us to exercise "couth" or "uncouth" behaviour, but the nature of the medium encourages response.

We may say of a particular "ad" that it looks like a great deal, or we wish we could afford it, etc. May we not also express alternative reactions to a post, especially one with such hard-and-fast wording, e.g. "firm, no offers?"

It's probably OK, IMO. If I was out of line in my asking price, I 'might' appreciate some feedback.

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Old 05-01-2002, 02:13 PM
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These are classifieds. The posts here are to do with items for sale. If the price is to be discussed, go for it.

To me it is one thing to talk to the seller regarding a post in this forum if you have an expressed interest and show an obvious interest.
To come on the thread and say what has been said when there is no expressed interest in the sale is not tactful. Tho it may seem a bit obscure to others some tact does have to be exercised. If there is interest and this is being done to talk to the seller into purchasing what he has for sale then fine. But neither has expressed an interest.

No one commented on Canadawest selling his zoomed powersweep PH's, baby cardinal's, or One Divided's tank he was selling. Everyone left it to whoever wanted them to talk to them. Why is it different when someone else posts something for sale and they feel it is a rip off it is ok for them to comment?

If you don't like a price for something and you ARE interested, post. If you aren't interested what do you have to gain? I understand people will say I was trying to show that the price was a bit high. If you want to do this. Once again. Use Tact. A private message goes a long way in a situation like this.
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Old 05-02-2002, 04:10 AM
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Many things we sell have some value associated with it that is sentimental in nature and often overvalues the item from it's fair market value. My opinion is that the items for sale are overvalued, and I am entitled to my opinion, which obviously is not unique in this case.

As a consumer I have the right to question the price of any product for sale, especially used goods in a forum like this. There are also many inexperienced people in this hobby that don't know the true value of equipment and I feel that we should help educate them to prevent them from making poor choices.

We do this every day here on this board. If someone posts that they can buy a bucket of salt for $99 somewhere, 65 people will quickly inform them that it can be had for $65 at J&L or somewhere else. I was just doing the same here. The fact remains that one could likely re-create the same setup with all new equipment for $4000 or less, so I questioned the seller's estimation of it's price.

As for the items I post for sale, if I post an item here for sale, I accept the fact that anyone has the right to question the price, especially on used equipment and most certainly if it's overvalued. If told, I would gladly accept the fact that I've asked way to much for an item, rather than wonder why nobody is interested.

Such is the beauty of selling used equipment. It's only as valuable, price wise, as the market is willing to pay. Thus the pricing has little to do with our percieved value and everything to do with what the market decides.
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Old 05-02-2002, 04:12 AM
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PS... I feel bad for and I apologize to AL for contributing to distracting this thread from it's original intention, which is to sell his goods.
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Old 05-01-2002, 10:06 PM
Rainman58 Rainman58 is offline
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Default Complete custom built 180 gal. setup.

As anyone know`s salt water fish can be a expensive hobby and the costs of setting up a system doesn`t just stop at a tank and stand. I didn`t bother to keep receipts but off the top of my head some of my costs were....

180 gal. Tank $700.00
Little Giant Pumps X 2 $400.00
Ice Cap Fans X 2 $160.00
Lights $1400.00
Live Rock $1000.00
Plumbing $200.00
Then there`s Power Heads, Water Filters, Protein Skimmers, Sand, Salt Water, U.V. Sterilizer, Filters etc etc etc.

As for the comment CanadaWest made about a tank and stand for $1200.00... I spent a great deal of time looking at stands (in Canada and the USA) some that were as much as $2500.00 US and found the quality to be very poor. I also wanted a stand that would be indentical on both sides as my plan was to use my tank etc. as a room divider someday. I also wanted a stand that would be open in the centre so I could keep my 10 gal. feeder tank in it. Not being able to find anything to my satisfaction I decided to build my own. After close to $900.00 in materials and almost 3 months of work in my spare time I finally had the stand I wanted.

I created a homepage (my first one) with some pics of my tank etc. if anyone is interested. Hope it works.

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