FS: old school 45gallon and a 40 breeder (BBY)
I have an old 45 gallon tank for sale.
it's just been sitting around collecting dust 48 x 18 x 13 glass is heavy $20 or trade Also have a 40 gallon breeder for sale it has a single hole drilled on back pane (centered and low) still have the acrylic overflow it came with but has been removed as I was about to use this tank for keeping a hamster. 36"L tank is fairly light $40 or trade Pick up in North Burnaby
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take both for $50!
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gonna keep the 40 for a refugium.
45 is still available. make me an offer. will trade for macros!
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Come take these for free!
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come get these before my daughter convinces me to try a DIY and make a new freshwater tank for her!
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who wants these?! come get em!
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