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Old 11-06-2019, 03:49 PM
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Default 75 Gal w 30 Gal Sump Reef(I told you guys Im back)

First has this forum died down in the last 6 years since I disappeared from the hobby! Checked out how things were going on the FB pages but those are severely limited in...well....everything. So, I suppose I'll do what I can to bring some more life back into the old forum.

Anyways, I decided it was time for my return!

I have been working away at this system and its process for the last 2 months now.

It all started with me acquiring a pretty beat up 50 Gal tank for free. I hummed and hawed as to what to put into the tank. Was originally going to fire up a fresh water tank just to put some of those semi retarded/boring fresh water fish in it to give me something to look at. But after much discussion with the wife she convinced me that it is time to stop talking about the days of reef tanks gone by and time to start building a reef tank again.

And that was where it started. One quick phone call to a friend of mine that has left the hobby due to time constraints and I suddenly acquired a bubble magnus skimmer, couple of AI Sols Super Blues, 2 Carbon Reactors, 30 Gal Sump, fans upon fans upon fans and 50lbs of rather dead LR!

Now everything needed a good vinegar scrubbing and servicing. That was the easy part....The rather dead LR on the other hand....well....lets just say that stuff spent 2.5 years outside in a rubbermaid container without a lid. So there was alot of brushing and rinsing and soaking involved just to get the dirt, pine needles, spiders, spider webs and everything else off.

After I was satisfied that I beat most of Canada's natural environment off of these rocks, I threw them all into a rubbermaid with a lid and fans and RO water to start cooking them. Took a month of just circulated RO water to pull most of the detrius out of the rocks. After that I was able to pick up some salt and start curing the rock with mixed RO water. Added a heater. And in about 2 weeks after that, I had a cycle going on. Ammonia was floating just under 1ppm and Nitrate at <5ppm.

So it was time to figure out the tank situation. I only had a tank and a sump but no stand. And the tank was not drilled. So that meant if I want a sump then I had to go overflow box style.

I managed to pick up alot of equipment from Buschwacker in Calgary from his tank shut down. Picked up a Eshopps Overflow Box, Reef Octopus DC pump, Apex Lite Controller with VDM and 2 power bars and probes and wireless bridge. Bucket of Salt, plumbing parts and pieces, refractometer, test kits and much much more.

So that visit solidified that I was going Overflow Box style. Now the stand....I figured that I could build one for about $240 to make it look real pretty just the way I like things. So to work I went. But while I was working I saw this ad on FB Marketplace(I love that place) for a 75 Gal tank in great condition and a stand for a mere fraction of what it would cost to build a stand! So being a bargain lover that I am...I bought it and brought it home.

And 24 hours after bringing it home....this is what we have.

Last edited by bauder1986; 11-06-2019 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 11-06-2019, 04:05 PM
cvrle1 cvrle1 is offline
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Welcome back. Unfortunately you are right, this place has died for sure, and it's a shame. Not sure what happened, as I was away as well, but it used to be live and always active.

I started one of these build threads as well few days ago, but as you said, dead forum
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Old 11-06-2019, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by cvrle1 View Post
Welcome back. Unfortunately you are right, this place has died for sure, and it's a shame. Not sure what happened, as I was away as well, but it used to be live and always active.

I started one of these build threads as well few days ago, but as you said, dead forum
Yeah I saw your build. Little impressive that you managed to pull off the Polish on that acrylic. Which makes me realize another thing. Maybe there's a lot of people online but we're just busy ghosting each other haha
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Old 11-06-2019, 04:21 PM
cvrle1 cvrle1 is offline
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Originally Posted by bauder1986 View Post
Yeah I saw your build. Little impressive that you managed to pull off the Polish on that acrylic. Which makes me realize another thing. Maybe there's a lot of people online but we're just busy ghosting each other haha
hahaha maybe. It is a possibility I guess. Not sure if the active user counter is correct on the main page, but it says there are 24 members online right now, and 340 guests. Guests could be anything really, so who knows if there are more members online, but no one is saying much. Either way, dont want to thread jack your build thread
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Old 11-06-2019, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by cvrle1 View Post
hahaha maybe. It is a possibility I guess. Not sure if the active user counter is correct on the main page, but it says there are 24 members online right now, and 340 guests. Guests could be anything really, so who knows if there are more members online, but no one is saying much. Either way, dont want to thread jack your build thread
Honestly don't sweat thread jacking on my build threads. Sounds like any type of commenting is it a good thing right now.
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Old 11-06-2019, 05:28 PM
cvrle1 cvrle1 is offline
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Originally Posted by bauder1986 View Post
Honestly don't sweat thread jacking on my build threads. Sounds like any type of commenting is it a good thing right now.
True as well I suppose. Lets see how things go. Hopefully canreef can be raised from the dead lol.
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Old 11-09-2019, 03:46 AM
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Originally Posted by bauder1986
First has this forum died down in the last 6 years since I disappeared from the hobby! Checked out how things were going on the FB pages but those are severely limited in...well....everything. So, I suppose I'll do what I can to bring some more life back into the old forum.

Anyways, I decided it was time for my return!
Welcome back! Can't wait to see when you start planting corals in it.

Will be good to see some photos of the plumbing on your actual setup.

A link to
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Old 11-09-2019, 03:55 AM
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Originally Posted by titus View Post

Welcome back! Can't wait to see when you start planting corals in it.

Will be good to see some photos of the plumbing on your actual setup.

Thanks Titus! Good to see you're running things still. Anyways I'll get those pics to you guys of the under tank business once I clean up the wiring a tich. Not my proudest work so far haha. I just wanted to see life breathed into the system
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Old 11-09-2019, 07:54 PM
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welcome back bro good to see you getting back into the hobby again I took a bit of a break from this hobby. wow its been 5 years for me Nov 2013 when I took my baby down. but after a hard 3 years with my mental health from over seas and my current retirement of the forces on Sept 11but its time to start up again. 10 footer and sorry bro for stealing your thread.

congrats again man and welcome back
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
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Old 11-09-2019, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
welcome back bro good to see you getting back into the hobby again I took a bit of a break from this hobby. wow its been 5 years for me Nov 2013 when I took my baby down. but after a hard 3 years with my mental health from over seas and my current retirement of the forces on Sept 11but its time to start up again. 10 footer and sorry bro for stealing your thread.

congrats again man and welcome back

Duuuude. 10 footer that's a hell of a return to the hobby my friend. Glad you're in order to return! Especially coming back big!
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