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Old 02-19-2019, 04:54 AM
PPhommahaxay PPhommahaxay is offline
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Unhappy Clownfish Help!

I had a pair of clownfish i bought awhile ago, they were the same size. One jumped out and one was left in the tank alone for 2 months. I felt it was lonely so, I got a black ocellaris clown which i thought it was smaller but instead it was 1.5 times bigger. they were doing well for a month until the black ocellaris clown started to chase the orange ocellaris. Now i noticed that this had been getting much worse . The black clown would chase and nip at the tail of the orange even in feeding. The orange clown backs out when the black clown gets close. Now the orange one hides in a little gap between the rocks to get away from the black clown.

What should I do? do i trade in my black ocellaris clown for a smaller one? or will this stop later on?

Please Help.

Last edited by PPhommahaxay; 02-19-2019 at 04:57 AM.
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Old 02-23-2019, 11:19 PM
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Anybody's guess really. They will either pair up at one point or the little guy will perish if the larger one doesn't accept it. Brutal to watch, but that's how it goes. As long as the smaller one can find refuge without getting beat up too much, might be ok.
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Old 02-24-2019, 12:47 AM
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I find the black / white ones are more aggressive , I would remove one before one ends up dead and get a captive bread one similar in color . And get a lid for your tank
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Old 02-24-2019, 09:30 AM
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Welcome to the joys of clownhole ownership
-They may be setting up a pecking order
-might be outright bullying
-Could be clownhole behaviour

I would if you want to keep clownholes do as Skimmer Juice suggested rehome one get another of same or similar species put a lid on your tank
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Old 02-24-2019, 08:40 PM
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A lot depends on their sex. If they are both juveniles they will most likely work it out. If they are both now males it should work as long as one submits. If they are both females you are hooped.
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Old 02-25-2019, 03:59 AM
PPhommahaxay PPhommahaxay is offline
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Thanks, i might return the black one for store credit and grab a smaller black clown if possible. I believe they are both female. i read that if one clown fish is alone in a tank its a female. and since the black clown is bigger than the orange, its most likely turned into a female also.
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Old 06-04-2020, 10:28 AM
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Default Semi-aggressive

From what I know, the ocellaris clownfish is considered semi-aggressive. But if kept with a male and a female with an anemone, they will be more aggressive. It also could be that your black ocellaris clownfish is a female as they’re more aggressive and will chase and chirp the male clownfish.
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