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Old 01-15-2017, 06:46 AM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Default 20g High setup - first saltwater tank

So...I started my first SW tank last weekend! Aside from bettas as a kid I've never had a tank, but I've always wanted one. I know it's not the best to skip fresh and go straight to SW, but I tested pool water as a summer job for 5 years in a row and know a fair bit about the need for proper water chemistry. Right now I am running:

- 20g tall, 24" x 12.5" x 17" (approx)
- 15lbs live rock
- 20lb Caribsea Arag-Alive Fiji Pink Substrate
- Hydor koralia 425gph powerhead
- Aqueon pro 100W heater
- Hydor nano slim skim nano (23-35g)

I'm going to buy a light in the near future, 3-6 months, to add some softies and LPS.

Today I got a reading on the nitrates, but have yet to get any reading on ammonia or nitrites. I am going to add a shrimp tomorrow to see if I can get an ammonia reading.

I notice there is a dusty looking film on the surface of the water, and neither my protein skimmer or powerhead pointed at it will seem to dissipate it. I'm not sure what that is, but won't be adding livestock for a few weeks and not too worried about it right now.

I'll add some pictures as it progresses! It's been great reading all the posts as a lurker!
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Old 01-18-2017, 12:53 AM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Well I added a Voyager Nano powerhead rated at 530 GPH to stimulate the surface and combined with some dialing in of the power head the surface is clear and the tank is looking great!

Here are two photos:

Ammonia and Nitrites are 0, haven't seen a spike. Nitrates are starting to build and around 2.5.

Last edited by 604reefer; 01-18-2017 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 01-23-2017, 04:30 AM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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I raised the protein skimmer so that the grates were just below the water line and it cleared up the surface overnight!

Today I added 3 cerith's, 3 nassarius and 3 hermits as I'm seeing some brown algae. I know it will go away eventually, but water params are great so I figured I would add them now. One of the snails doesn't seem to wanna move now that he's found a spot, so we'll see what happens. I am ghost feeding a little bit for the hermits too.

Will do a big WC before adding a blue/green chromis soon!
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Old 01-23-2017, 02:13 PM
zhasan zhasan is offline
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Default Welcome!

Great start. Looking forward to see your setup come alive.

It wont be long before you want to upgrade!!
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Old 01-23-2017, 04:07 PM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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Ahh the joys of having the first reef, I remember way back when I saw my first sponge, pods and stuff sending feelers out the live rock....amazed with all the life, almost gives you that feeling of getting your drivers license and buying your first car to go for a spin. I couldn't wait I think it was about 3 days when I added some Zoas and it was a down hill snowball effect after that.

I was going to say if you added a hang on filter with surface skimmer attachment it would get rid of the nutrients on the surface but you already solved that problem.

There are many options for a led reef light on eBay, do some research but safe to say for around $100 you can get a decent one. Try to find an led with more blue than white, or if you are handy you can build your own light!

Small reef fish like bangai, chromis, clown, fire fish and even gobies would be really cool for this size tank.... once established 5g water changes per week would be ideal for this size tank.

What skimmer are you running again?
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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Old 01-23-2017, 06:14 PM
Dendromad Dendromad is offline
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Enjoy the hobby. As a noobie myself a year or two ago, I have to warn you it gets addictive!!

I have one of these lights over my tank
I had it over a 10 gallon at first and it was way more than enough light to grow anything. Currently have it over my new set up and everything is growing well, sps, lps zoas etc...
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