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Old 10-25-2016, 11:34 PM
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Default Starting over again. Where to shop?

After a long absence from having a tank ive decided with the prodding of my hubby to start another tank. It seems like a lot has changed in the city since i last had a tank.

Where are the good places to shop these days? im starting over from scratch and like the idea of building from new, so im looking for a tank, sump, fuge, stand, canopy, skimmer, lights, pump, power heads, heater, and plumbing (did i miss anything? lol)

Also once i get the tank and fuge, looking for someone to drill holes.

Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but i figured calling on locals for local advice is best
how many times does it take starting from scratch to make your dream a reality?

Starting new setup as of Oct/16
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Old 10-26-2016, 12:10 AM
slider9969 slider9969 is offline
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for brand new id say concept aquariums for the tank and sump and for all the other gear id say take some time and look here and ask for what you need . I can drill whatever holes you need i do glass for a living so its easy.
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Old 10-26-2016, 01:55 AM
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+1 for Concept!
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Old 10-26-2016, 04:50 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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I just got back into the hobby as well.

I stopped by Wai's on 16th and his shop is pristine.

His prices are bit high for me but I have heard some good things about him.
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Old 10-26-2016, 05:46 AM
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taggin along =)
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Old 10-26-2016, 01:47 PM
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Yeah, I stopped by Pisces and wais last weekend. That's when I knew hubby was fully on board (telling me what he wanted in the tank) lol. I'll have to give concepts a call on the weekend. What's the new trend for lighting these days?

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how many times does it take starting from scratch to make your dream a reality?

Starting new setup as of Oct/16
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Old 10-27-2016, 01:53 AM
slider9969 slider9969 is offline
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lots of people are using led lights but theres also a fair number of people returning to t5 lighting for some reason i currently use t5's but i want some leds for aesthetic purposes only
i have a 4 bulb t5 fuxture i could sell you super cheap if thats the way you decide to go
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Old 10-27-2016, 04:42 AM
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Im actually running led with t5 best combo to date for me . Benefits of t5 and at night I can use the kessils for moonlight . Running a tek light fixture 2 bulbs a blue+ and an ati actinic mixed with 3 x kesill a360we . The fixture was cut out in the middle for the kessils to sit .

As for fish shops Wai's is a good place he has really been good on pricing lately I think he reads the forums he has the best mix of livestock with decent inverts , nice coral selection , and great selection of fish . Got a sunburst for $89 wich is pretty good price , yashi goby for $49 not bad

Golds is a great place for fish Dennis takes good care of his fish , coral selection is lacking and not much for inverts outside of snails and regular hermits .

Oceans is hit or miss usually has good fish selection but for corals kinda lacking if you are into higher end corals

Concepts is a great shop to best place for tanks , cheapest food/equipment, pricing is good all around actually , not much for out of the ordinary for inverts but have seen cool stuff there like walking dendros . Got a ruby red scooter for $25 there cheapest I found .
Pices is a decent store for foods I found the lrs frozen foods there , they also have a lot of the reef nutrition food live tigger pods , not keen on all the aptasia in the systems it has got a little better but still to many for my liking , pretty expensive there all around .

I go to all the shops but now that I have 2 mature systems I dont get to add much , so when I buy Im looking for specific livestock more hard to keep uncommon creatures and high end corals. So lately I have been buying mostly from Wai's for livestock . Really wish it was easier to find bumblebee shrimp in the city it really shouldn't be this hard lol . So all and all I recommend all of them really Welcome back
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Old 10-27-2016, 04:59 AM
iamfrontosa iamfrontosa is offline
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Default .

Concepts for tanks and my case, also powder coated metal stands.
Eli for rocks.
Online for equipments, or buy used here.
Corals.... I think here is your best bet. Otherwise, Concepts or Wais for me.
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Old 10-27-2016, 05:37 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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If you're looking for bumblebee shrimp, I saw a tank at Pisces that was just littered with them. They're over on the right side near the nano tanks IIRC.

Originally Posted by Skimmer Juice View Post
Im actually running led with t5 best combo to date for me . Benefits of t5 and at night I can use the kessils for moonlight . Running a tek light fixture 2 bulbs a blue+ and an ati actinic mixed with 3 x kesill a360we . The fixture was cut out in the middle for the kessils to sit .

As for fish shops Wai's is a good place he has really been good on pricing lately I think he reads the forums he has the best mix of livestock with decent inverts , nice coral selection , and great selection of fish . Got a sunburst for $89 wich is pretty good price , yashi goby for $49 not bad

Golds is a great place for fish Dennis takes good care of his fish , coral selection is lacking and not much for inverts outside of snails and regular hermits .

Oceans is hit or miss usually has good fish selection but for corals kinda lacking if you are into higher end corals

Concepts is a great shop to best place for tanks , cheapest food/equipment, pricing is good all around actually , not much for out of the ordinary for inverts but have seen cool stuff there like walking dendros . Got a ruby red scooter for $25 there cheapest I found .
Pices is a decent store for foods I found the lrs frozen foods there , they also have a lot of the reef nutrition food live tigger pods , not keen on all the aptasia in the systems it has got a little better but still to many for my liking , pretty expensive there all around .

I go to all the shops but now that I have 2 mature systems I dont get to add much , so when I buy Im looking for specific livestock more hard to keep uncommon creatures and high end corals. So lately I have been buying mostly from Wai's for livestock . Really wish it was easier to find bumblebee shrimp in the city it really shouldn't be this hard lol . So all and all I recommend all of them really Welcome back
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