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Old 02-13-2016, 10:53 PM
donkey77 donkey77 is offline
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Default Kalkwasser

Gonna start using some Kalkwasser in my 120 mixed reef medium stocked
Going to use the ato method, I have a 5g bin, going with 5 teaspoons of kalk, my tank uses 5g of ro water every3-4 days does anybody see anything wrong with this, I also have a dosing pump but don't know how to convert over, meaning how many ml a day would you dose
Do people still use kalk
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Old 02-14-2016, 12:02 AM
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Not used nearly as much as it used to be, but your plan is how I ran mine successfully for years.
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Old 02-14-2016, 12:04 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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I use Kalk and mix it in a 2 L juice jug which I manually dose (work at home). What you're planning sounds fine.
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Old 02-14-2016, 12:21 AM
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Curious to know why Kalk is not as popular anymore?
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Old 02-14-2016, 02:17 AM
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Kalk is not as reliable and very caustic, reactors are stable and easier and two-part for smaller setups is safer too.
cheers, Rich

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Old 02-14-2016, 03:21 AM
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I use it religiously. Love the stuff. I have a 10 gallon Kalk tank that has an Innovative Marine Accu-Drip that goes into the return section. Works great. I rarely have to supplement Ca or Alk. My drip is set to about 1 per second. Keeps my parameters very stable.

I would use a reactor and use it with my auto top-off, but I evaporate about 7 gallons of water a day, so I think that would be a little much.

You just have to worry about swings. I got really sick a couple weeks ago, and let it run out. With no kalk dripping on my system, my alk dropped to 5.4 dkh. Got kalk burn on all the tips of my SPS. I'm about a week after getting my levels all correct again, and the corals are almost back to normal. But goes to show you that things can go wrong if not attended to properly (like everything in this hobby).

Kalk on low-medium demand tanks is still a great way to supplement the tank IMO.

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Last edited by FishyFishy!; 02-14-2016 at 03:23 AM.
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Old 02-14-2016, 03:33 PM
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You guys are inspiring me to try it. I currently use 2 part with a doser but am upgrading to a 100g in the next month or so. I'm curious to try it. Is it better to dose via ATO or as a drip into the sump?
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Old 02-14-2016, 03:40 PM
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I used it for years, loved it. I only stopped due to changing my top off system, and I built my own Ca reactor for very cheap. And kalk can be harder to find, and expensive if you find it. If you can source pickling lime from the US, then it's cheap.
One member here supplied it in bulk, he got it from an Asian source, probably pickling lime.

But with all the new tech in dosing and such, people have started leaning towards that, simply because it's tech and bling.
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Old 02-14-2016, 04:11 PM
apexifd apexifd is offline
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More stab reasonable price for kalk!
150DD mix reef with 90 gal sump and 40gal frag tank

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Old 02-14-2016, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I used it for years, loved it. I only stopped due to changing my top off system, and I built my own Ca reactor for very cheap. And kalk can be harder to find, and expensive if you find it. If you can source pickling lime from the US, then it's cheap.
One member here supplied it in bulk, he got it from an Asian source, probably pickling lime.

But with all the new tech in dosing and such, people have started leaning towards that, simply because it's tech and bling.
I haven't been paying attention. When did that happen? I bought 50lbs of Kalk for $2.50/lbs to my door a few years ago (probably from the member that you're referring to). I've sold some of it locally but probably still have enough that I will never have to purchase it again even if I continue to use it until my dying day.

I built my own simple Kalk Reactor to run it inline with my ATO system. Usually once or twice a month I'll dump 1 cup into the reactor and thats all there is to it. I do also run a Calcium Reactor as Kalk alone isn't enough to keep up with the coral growth and the two complement each other nicely.
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