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Old 01-03-2015, 05:08 AM
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Default Couple of Answers Needed

1: Is there a time period where the seas and oceans current comes to a lull so fish and coral
can eat? Or do fish have to work for their food?
2: Does the moon actually give off enough light to help the fish navigate and does the lunar
cycle actually effect how fish larvae or eggs hatch? And do fish sleep?
3: Why when diving or snorkeling do we quite often come across cold areas? So what is
an ideal temp?
4: Does the seas or oceans ever stop skimming or is it a 24/7 operation? And that foamy stuff
that is on the beach good to play in or bite at? I see small kids do that often

I ask these questions all though they may be silly cause I don't really know the answers and if I'm trying to recreate a little ecosystem in my home I would like to do it right.
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Old 01-03-2015, 05:16 AM
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I can't say I know the answers to any of your questions either but I would assume that the ocean never slows down enough for the fish to eat, strong survive and the weak perish. And as far as the moon it definitely effects breeding cycles and life in the ocean, but doubt it has anything to do with being able to see.
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Old 01-03-2015, 05:34 AM
Coral Hoarder Coral Hoarder is offline
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Good cupple of questions haha be waching for answers I would assume natural scimming would occur as long as there is wave action wich. I'd asume settles down some times
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Old 01-03-2015, 05:37 AM
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Would you like to borrow some of my books Bill?
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Old 01-03-2015, 06:00 AM
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Would you like to borrow some of my books Bill?
Thanks for the offer Russel but books put me to sleep. I come here to absorb my knowledge
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Old 01-03-2015, 06:37 AM
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Yes the quick and to the point answers are always nice. I like books though.

1. Currents come to a lull between tides and sometimes the wind doesn't blow. Some fish hunt and graze others like stone fish just sit and wait for their food to come to them.
2. Some fish can see well enough at night with the small amount of light given, others might have a strong sense of smell to guide them to their prey. Mass spawning events in time with lunar cycles have been well documented and caught on video (would you like to borrow some of my documentary videos?). Have you never noticed your fish sleeping? Some of mine are quite obvious about it while others seem to be active 24/7. Some fish can shut off half of their brain at a time to allow it some rest while still allowing them to swim about.
3. The sun warms water at the surface but cold water always rises from deep below (ice floats) and mixes in. Ideal water temperature depends on the species in question but 26 celsius or 78 fahrenheit is pretty popular for a typical reef tank because its somewhere in between the acceptable extremes. Dr Ron Shimek actually states that 83 fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for most coral in his book on marine inverts...
4. The ocean is fast and can dilute a lot of natural pollution. Healthy reefs are typically very nutrient poor however because one fish's waste is another coral's or algae's meal. So while skimming does occur naturally its plays a lesser role in nature than it does within our tiny over stocked closed systems. Foam that washes up on beaches surrounding developed areas is bound to have a lot sewage and industrial/agricultural run off in it. FYI according to Marvel Comics playing in sewage gives you super powers so play away.

I'm not quoting anything here, this is just what I've retained. I'm sure others will have better answers.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

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Old 01-03-2015, 02:19 PM
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These questions all seem to be asked on a regular basis here but in a different manner. So the point of this thread is to get people to actually think when they ask a question regarding pieces of equipment they put in their tanks
Do I need flow and should I turn my power heads off to feed?
What's the temp?
How long should I run my lights?
Do I need a skimmer?

More of a smartass way of saying that if we all trying to create a little ocean in our homes than why not try to mimic the actual ocean where these fish and corals come from..
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Old 01-03-2015, 06:11 AM
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1. No but there are dead spots. Slow spots. Fast spots. Etc.
2. In some instances yes. But its frequently cloudy. Sometimes the moon is gone.
3. Current.
4. That nasty foam stuff is the ocean naturally skimming. 24/7.
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Old 01-03-2015, 07:02 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
1: Is there a time period where the seas and oceans current comes to a lull so fish and coral
can eat? Or do fish have to work for their food?
2: Does the moon actually give off enough light to help the fish navigate and does the lunar
cycle actually effect how fish larvae or eggs hatch? And do fish sleep?
3: Why when diving or snorkeling do we quite often come across cold areas? So what is
an ideal temp?
4: Does the seas or oceans ever stop skimming or is it a 24/7 operation? And that foamy stuff
that is on the beach good to play in or bite at? I see small kids do that often

I ask these questions all though they may be silly cause I don't really know the answers and if I'm trying to recreate a little ecosystem in my home I would like to do it right.
Ok Bill this is what I have come up to try and shed some light:
1:I don't think the ocean has a reefkeeper or timer attached, so fish do have to work to eat.
2:The moon is like having a night light on in your room so you don't stub your toe on the way to the can, also has anyone ever dove at night and heard snoring?
3:Cold area's, hmmm! not sure, is there an ideal temp? Again not sure, my tanks are @79f is it right! who knows for sure.
4:I think let's leave the skimmer on, the ocean currents and waves don't seem to stop and have a break. Yummy! shore foam we have all seen it and some of us have even tasted it, sorta like having a sip of the black glop when you empty your skimmer"NOT".
I'm not sure there is a right way when your a reefer, I find if it works for me I keep doing it. Some of us are very strict with tank maintenance as to water changes, dosing, etc. etc. etc. I try and use good quality equipment to keep the work load lower and the enjoyment high.
When you become a slave to your supposed hobby I think your enthusiasm dies away.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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