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Old 06-24-2014, 01:09 PM
Taipan Taipan is offline
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Thumbs up Uber Rare Triggers (advice).....

I've recently had the good fortune to come across the opportunity to source a Gold/Goldenback Trigger (Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus)


a 5”-6” Line Spot/Striped Triggerfish (Xanthichthys lineopunctatus) - Statistically, this may be the ”2nd in North America”; however I think some go unnoticed (my opinion).

I'm still kicking myself for passing on a beautiful 5” Kiri/Greenei (Xanthichthys greenei) Trigger last year.

On the off chance; I am inquiring to see if others have had any experience with the Gold/Golden Back Trigger (Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus) or the Line Spot/Striped Triggerfish (Xanthichthys lineopunctatus) - Some one CanReef may have purchased the ”Original” 1st one that landed in North America.

Some of the people that I have discussed (and have owned) the Golden Back with were kind of unimpressed by it. They liked it; but it didn't ”blow their mind”. However it was very easy to care for.

I am very much sitting on the fence. My initial display is not complete yet and I am already contemplating a special display for these specimens. Golden Back is/will get huge and I may be out bid on the Lineopunctatus. The pricing is not cheap but what I consider very reasonable on both (subjective). A CrossHatch was the next on my list (Xanthichthys mento) next to the Greenei. Now....I am reconsidering.
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Old 06-24-2014, 10:39 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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I have experience with a Goldenback from many years ago. All it did was race back and forth along an 8' panel splashing water with its dorsal all over the place. Frankly, it made a previously serene display look hectic. Then it jumped. Best $1200+ ever -_____-

Then again, this is more or less my ongoing view of Xanthichthys triggers nowadays. Had an 8" Crosshatch that did much of the same. Boy was I happy to pocket the $500 when he went.

It really doesn't help that these triggers have more or less 1/10th the personality of any other triggerfish out there...
This and that.
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Old 06-25-2014, 03:39 AM
Taipan Taipan is offline
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I received similar feedback from others regarding the Goldenback. Thanks for your input.

I love my Sargassums and Bluethroats that I've had. I'm still on the fence regarding the Lineopunctatus. I think it may have similar personalities to the Sargassum and Bluethroat. still on my list.
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Old 06-25-2014, 03:52 AM
monza monza is offline
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Ive had a cross hatch beautiful fish but generally it was a bit boring. Which can be good? He would randomly just nip at any corals once and a while, soft and hard , I think just so see if they tasted any better then last time he tried.
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Old 06-26-2014, 10:45 PM
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A client of mine has a Goldenback Triggerfish that is about 11-12" total length. It is in a 10' reef and it uses the whole tank. He is very curious and will eat out of my hand, although he hides when I do the tank maintenance. He totally dominates the water column at feeding time and steals all the nori. This one does have a lot of personality - he's pretty cool.

PS - I would love to see some pics of any rare fish you already have.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 06-26-2014 at 10:50 PM.
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Old 07-01-2014, 03:12 PM
Taipan Taipan is offline
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Thanks for everyone's advice. My apologies for not responding sooner. I've been traveling.

I don't have many "rare" fish per se. Some of you may have already seen pics of my Borbonius Anthias and Sargassum Trigger. I recently managed to find a nice Golden Dwarf Moray Eel though.

The Kiri/Greenei Trigger I passed on last year.....still think about it. lol It's "the one that got away" ......
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caeruleolineatus, gold back, greenei, lineopunctatus, linespot

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