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Old 03-19-2014, 06:50 PM
04V10 04V10 is offline
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Default Fired Up Another Nano!!!

Hey guys,

I just put the LR into my 10gal that I have at work on my desk. I currently have a 20gal at home with a HOB filter and HOB skimmer under a radion light.

I was kickin around the house one day and realized that I have a set of Mazarra Maxspect LED's that I wasn't using (old light for 20 gallon) and figured what the heck, so I bought a 10 gal, a HOB filter, heater, and power head.

I have just put the sand and LR in and it is now on it's cycle for the next while, but I find myself always checking for critters

The plan for the tank is to have an Acan Zoa garden. One six line, or another watch dog small fish, and then the normal CUC. I'm hoping to get some pics up of this soon (wish we could just lay in the pics in the thread).
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Old 03-19-2014, 08:52 PM
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Waiting to see the pictures .....
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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