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Old 02-17-2014, 12:16 AM
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Default Flatworm exit to remove predatory worm?

I have a predator worm in a rock (oenone fulgida) just trying to get rid of him and perhaps it's babies. I tried taking the rock out and pouring club soda all over the rock as per a LFS staff suggestion, nadda. Then tried electrocuting the rock with a 12 v car charger at 15 amps for 5 minutes in a bucket of water, nada. I know it's in there.

Now. Just started reading about ridding flatworms and it seems like some people are saying that other worms and brittle stars died using the product? If so perfect, I can just take the rock out and place it in a bucket and treat that rock?
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Old 02-17-2014, 12:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Vancity View Post
I can just take the rock out and place it in a bucket and treat that rock?
Why not just try placing the rock in a bucket of RO and wait for it to come out ?

No chems needed and such ...
Good luck
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Old 02-17-2014, 01:57 AM
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What's the rock worth? Why not just toss it and cut your loses?
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Old 02-17-2014, 02:11 AM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
What's the rock worth? Why not just toss it and cut your loses?
The cost means little to me, would definitely prefer to keep it though, the rock is about 3/4 of a soccer ball in size and has a nice shape to it. If I toss the rock, the worm wins, I don't wanna lose to a worm, too stubborn
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Old 02-17-2014, 02:33 AM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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How about you put the LR in a 5 gal pail without water overnight. Maybe the worm will come out looking for water?
I like the idea or putting the rock into ro water.
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Old 02-17-2014, 03:04 AM
straightrazorguy straightrazorguy is offline
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Electrocuting it won't work if it is inside the rock. Electrical charges travel on the outside of the rock only....
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Old 02-17-2014, 02:04 AM
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If anyone who reads this has or will have worms they want rid of in the future, please dont flush them down the toilet, drain or storm systems... Saw a post recently about someone sending a worm on a one way trip to the sea... Thats not funny or proper...

The electrocution method was done in RODI water (didn't want to add current to salt water), 5 mins of electrocution and about 5 or 10 mins of scratching my head. Maybe longer would do? The club soda bath was about 10 minutes or so and even used a 50 ml syringe blasting any holes I could find.

After catching 4 of them a while ago in another tank (with a homemade trap) I left them in a glass of tap water on the counter for 4 days, changing 50% of the water once a day, just to see how long they would survive. On the 4th day they were still alive, gave up the experiment due to smelly water, wrapped them in toilet paper and tossed in the trash.

They've killed 2 fish in the past and many snails so pardon my complete lack of respect for them living.
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Old 02-17-2014, 07:25 PM
NickC NickC is offline
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I know of someone else who had a problem with the worm im thinking your talking about he ended up taking the rock out and sawing it in half to remove the worm. Once he did that he found the worm and it was 3-4 feet long burrowed in the rock.

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Old 02-17-2014, 11:01 PM
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It's worth a shot, but if you were going to dose at a concentration required to kill anything other than flatworms, you shouldn't do it in your main system. I was able to kill AEFW at between 100-500 times the recommended dose for a tank, and at that concentration all the pods immediately expired as well. Not sure what effect if would have on a much larger, arguably more complex animal like the worms you're dealing with. My suspicion is that it likely won't work (flatworms are about as related to the worms you're dealing with as I am to a lizard), but if you're at your wits end there's no reason not to try it.
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