Coral Books for sale - See prices or o.b.o.
Reef Invertebrates - Calfo & Fenner - soft cover - good condition - $25.00 o.b.o.
Book of Coral Propagation - Anthony Calfo - hard cover - mint condition - $25.00 o.b.o Invertebrates - A quick reference guide - Julian Sprung - hard cover - mint condition - $25.00 o.b.o. Aquarium Corals - Borneman - Soft cover - good condition - $25.00 o.b.o. Must have books for your saltwater library! Please call Camille @ 604-277-0022 or PM if interested. Sorry - no shipping. Many thanks! |
If you change your mind on shipping please let me know
Pretty good deal for must have books. Great resources!
Christmas time. Make me a reasonable offer
Tags |
books, coral, invertebrates, propagation |