Cree Reef-White 27W LED-Aquarium-Bulb? Good?
So as like most people, trying to save a buck but also trying to make sure it works properly for a reef tank. I ran across this: http://www.ledpacific.com/products.p...-Screw-Fitting Which prompted me to search more: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2012n...533910553.html Are these good or no? Will these support a reef tank? It seems that if I can run these in a regular bulb socket I can save a bunch of money that way. Any opinions on these? |
Both links already dead?
Well lets try again:
http://www.ledpacific.com/products.p...-Screw-Fitting http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-...663982354.html Tested and working links this time. |
Par38 bulbs like this have been around for a while.
I run my 12 gallon off of one of these bulbs. There is a ton of info out there as to their effectiveness at different depths. If your tank is 18" or shallower, these bulbs should do the trick. |
Thanks. |
In short, yes.
Just don't plan on keeping sps or clams without doing some more research. LPS and Softies, palys/zoas should be fine. |