FS/FT Australian Harlequin TuskFish, Calgary
This guy is just out if the "juvenile stage", in that he's lost one of his two false eye spots, maybe 4.5-5 inches long. An ideal home for him would be one in which there's not many small fish, and no copper band butterflies (he hates mine). He was in an SPS reef, and never bothered any of my inverts, but he was definitely the king of the tank. A rough and tumble FOWLR, or a reef tank with larger fish would be ideal.
He's priced to move at 60 bucks (you won't find one for less than 100 in a store), or, alternatively I'll take trades in the form of SPS or Zoa frags - I've been trying to get my hands on red planet for ages. I'll only take frags of corals I don't already have. First and foremost though I want him to go to a good home.
Pm me