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Old 07-28-2011, 07:30 AM
pinhead pinhead is offline
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Default No Seamax in 2012

Looks like Seamax was a one time event. On the Seattle reef board the promoter said attendance was too low. He lost money and he thought only 10% of the exhibitors were happy enough to return.
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Old 07-28-2011, 05:11 PM
ALang ALang is offline
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That's too bad. Though I personally would not return to the same line-up as it was this past event, I would if they improve collectively. The most major detraction for me, personally, is this: we as Canadian cannot bring any livestock back. There were also issues that I think should be addressed from the start.

The venue wasn't clearly and properly signed and promoted. We were at the Center Square and didn't see any indication that such and event was even being hosted, whereas other "festivals" and "events" were clearly marked. If it were clearly posted on sign-posts or even sandwich boards through out the area, they may have gotten some impulse attendants. All they had was one lonely banner on the building, facing away from major thorough-fare.
If we had not purchased advance tickets, we wouldn't have thought to even look for it.
We met up with others who have been circling around the Square for a while as well until we were able to find and ask a park staffer for directions.

We Canadians would have made the coral and fish vendors ecstatic if we were able to bring lives stocks back. What with our dollars so high, it would have been just like shopping for clothes!

We spoke with numerous vendors at our after-the-show get-together, and the one thing that they were not aware of was this fact. They were astonished that we would not be able to buy anything, as they were hoping for a huge Canadian turn-out to make their sales a successful venture. And I can see why they would not be back for next year. If the majority of the attendees cannot part-take in the purchasing, then you are only able to get less than 60% of the sales.

We thought that there would be lots more vendors there as well, but sadly, no.

The promoters have done a fair job at organizing the show. It is just the border restrictions that really did the proverbial nail in the coffin. Too bad.
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Old 07-28-2011, 06:09 PM
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May it is time for us to host one
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Old 07-28-2011, 06:29 PM
Veng68 Veng68 is offline
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I remember I went to WMC 98' in Seattle......... thinking that would be the closest I would get to such an event.

Then wouldn't you know it........ it WMC 99' came to Richmond the next year. I'm pretty sure our American friends had the same problem not being able to buy livestock.

It takes a lot of people and a lot of money to organize such an event. Go times though.

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Old 07-28-2011, 09:26 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by fencer View Post
May it is time for us to host one
The same problems (and costs) that exists for us to bring things back from the states applies to vendors looking to do the same.
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Old 07-29-2011, 11:16 PM
vaporize vaporize is offline
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how many people attended?

It's always unpopular to have Reef conference right in the middle of summer - why doesn't people understand? It's totally out-of-season LoL

At $800 a vendor booth, MACNA seems like a better deal
Clownfish Collection: Normal Ocellaris, Black Ocellaris, Stubby Ocellaris, Tequillia Sunrise Ocellaris,
Red Sea, Black Saddleback, Brown Camel, Orange Fin, Melanistic Clarkii, Common Clarkii, True Percula, True Picassco, Pink Skunk, Orange Skunk, Maldives Clown, TRUE Sebae clown, Akin Clown, Gold Striped Maroon, White Striped Maroon, Latezonatus
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Old 07-30-2011, 03:37 AM
ALang ALang is offline
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Wouldn't know if you don't try it at least once. I'm glad to have had the opportunity to experience a show like that, even though it was very small, hence the less expensive admission, I guess.

But we really did have a great time chatting up the vendors and Reps. We also had fun partying with some of the reefers as well. We went there as a mini-vacation with another Reefing couple. We golfed, ate lots, shopped, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and downed a lot of the local ales.

The MACNA is maybe a bigger show, but along comes the larger admission fee. Cannot justify the cost for two people to get in, AND, we still wouldn't be able to get any lives stock home.
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