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Old 04-17-2011, 06:28 PM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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Default Parting Out 165G - Calgary (Corals/Live Rock and Live Stock)

Hey everyone, so long story short Im moving to Georgia and I need to sell everything in my tank and eventually a lot of my equipment before I leave. So Im starting with the rocks/corals then I'll move to the fish since it'll be easier to catch them without all the rock. Lastly I'll be selling quite a bit of equipment too.

So here we go. The way this sale will work is:
  • I will not hold items for anyone without some form of consideration given to me.
  • First come first serve, though I will answer PMs in the order they are received.
  • Corals attached to rock where it is not possible to remove them from rock will be priced based on the rocks weight (incuding weight of the coral) at $3.00/lb plus whatever I price the actual coral at. The live rock is quite nice with tons of coralline algae and also baby brittle stars which are great cleanup crew.

Here is a couple pictures of my full tank right now so you can get an idea of sizing. The tank is 6 feet wide and 24 inches tall.

Items up for sale:

Plating Red Montipora Colony - $100 (Plus weight of rock)
This coral is about the size of a dinner plate. 10 inches wide and probably 9 inches across with lots of layering starting to take effect. A real show piece. Estimated weight of the rock - 8 lbs

Two GBTA Rock with Zoas and Natural Cave - $70 (Plus weight of rock) SOLD
This rock has a superb shape to it including an excellent natural tunnel through it that is very appealing. Two Green bubble tip Anemones are attached to the rock, one is massive and close to splitting. It has already split in the past. The other is a medium sized to large sized one. Also attached to the rock is a colony of zoas. They can be seen in the picture.
Estimated weight of the rock - 10 lbs

This picture shows the two anemones when fully opened the best. The circled one was from a previous ad where I sold a 3rd one I used to have, its not included and was on a different rock.

Zoanthid Forest Rock - Orange Tips, Purple Centre - $100 (Plus weight of rock)
This rock has probably 300-400 medium sized and quite nicely colored Zoanthids on it. I have the rock propped up in the centre of my tank and it makes a great show piece to a well kept aquarium.
Estimated Weight of rock - 10-12 lbs

Watermelon Zoanthid Forest Rock, Red Acropora - $70 (Plus weight of rock)
This rock has a really nice watermelon zoanthid forest growing with probably 100 heads. It also has a red acropora smallish colony growing on it.
Estimate weight of rock - 6 lbs

Red Button Polyps and Small Zoa Colony - $20 (Plus Weight of Rock)
This piece is a bit different than what is shown in the pic. The acropora is not part of it, but a small patch of zoanthids with orange tips and purple centers is also part of the rock.
Estimated Weight of Rock - 6 lbs

Favia Rock - $30 (Plus Weight of Rock) SOLD
This Rock has a nice Favia growing on it and is a good base rock because of its shape and ability to prop up another rock.
Estimated weight of rock - 7 lbs

Pulsing Xenia and Colt Coral Rock - $40 (Plus weight of rock) SOLD
This rock has a Pulsing Xenia Colony on it along with a very small colt coral frag. The xenia colony continually goes through stages where it looks brilliant and then shrinks and then looks brilliant then shrinks... You get the idea. Right now its just on the verge of getting to its brilliant stage and by the time I sell it it might be there.
Estimate Weight of Rock - 5 lbs

Hammer Coral Colony - $60 SOLD
This is my hammer coral colony. It has at least 30 heads on it that are fully grown and probably another 30 that have sprouted at the base of many stems.

Large Frogspawn - $50 SOLD
This frogspawn has many heads and looks quite large when fully open. About the size of a large grapefruit.

Zoanthid Frag - $20 SOLD
Zoanthid frag that has 20 or so heads on it.

Duncan Coral/Candy Cane/Alien Eyes Zoanthid Rock - $200 (Plus weight of rock) SOLD
This is one of the harder to price pieces I have. It has two massive colonies on it. A duncan colony with at least 30 heads that are just starting to branch out and then a Candy Cane Colony with at least 30 heads as well as an Alien Eye Zoanthid patch at its base. I can get more pictures of this if you'd like. I might actually do it anyways since it didnt capture it very well. I am considering selling the duncan coral separately since I could remove it. If anyone wants just the Duncan it is priced out below this ad.

Picture of jsut the duncan. The alien eyes are just behind it out of view. If you'd like a pic of them please ask.

Just the Duncan Colony - $100

Giant Squamosa Clam - Make me an offer (I have a price range I would only sell it for) SOLD
Anyone that has bought things off me in the past has seen this sucker. Its bigger than the average persons head and when fully opened the mantle is probably 18 inches across by 12 inches wide. Its an absolute show piece clam.

Thats all I have for now. Thanks for looking and following the selling rules. I am in SE calgary in Deer Ridge.

Last edited by Eb0la11; 05-01-2011 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 04-17-2011, 10:44 PM
CaptainYooh CaptainYooh is offline
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Old 04-18-2011, 12:19 AM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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I forgot one other item. Here it is:

Purple with Green Tip Torch Coral - $40

Has a couple heads that are just developing. A good size. About the size of a mandarin orange haha. Pic to come later.
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Old 04-18-2011, 01:15 AM
hound96 hound96 is offline
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Back in the saddle again . running a borrowed 65G peninsula while i get my 48"x48" centre overflow cube built.
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Old 04-18-2011, 07:00 PM
newreefer_59 newreefer_59 is offline
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Old 04-19-2011, 05:14 PM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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Several items have been sold, still plenty of good stuff. I'm available tonight until 6:30 or maybe a bit later. After that Im next available Thursday after 8:00. PM me.
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Old 04-19-2011, 08:29 PM
couchrugby2 couchrugby2 is offline
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Default GSP

I love that green wavy stuff in the back right of tank. Is that the GSP? I would love a big chunk of that. How much for it please. I live in Bonavista.
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Old 04-20-2011, 08:58 PM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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Here is a picture of the Torch Coral - $40

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Old 04-21-2011, 06:22 PM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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Also got this GSP rock after breaking of my corner of 4-5 GSP covered rocks. SOLD


Last edited by Eb0la11; 04-22-2011 at 07:27 PM.
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Old 04-22-2011, 04:28 PM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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Prices Reduced on Everything. Check it out again!
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