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Old 03-13-2011, 04:58 PM
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Default Hot Tub

I am looking into possibly getting a hot tub and was wanting some assistance in this area. I have been looking on kijiji for a used one, but the ones that are good prices have problems with them, and the slightly used are about the same as a new Costco hot tub. The number one thing about buying used that I have read is to make sure you see it running. Anything else?
I'm looking for just a basic 6 man hot tub for my family and a few friends to come over. I'm not wanting a built in stereo or tv or anything like that, just good quality and preferably a warranty that is good and will work. I figure the less that is in it, the less that can go wrong. Is there any place that are known for great product/price/service specifically? Is there any places to kind of stay away from due to bad reputation and/or price?
I have heard that there are a few specifically designed to be able to handle Alberta winters (-40) that are better than others, but I don't know how true this is.
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Old 03-13-2011, 05:39 PM
Ian Ian is offline
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GET NOTHING FROM DYNASTY SPAS IN RED DEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had nothing but trouble with the product and she ( the owner) is horrid to deal with. She will not back her own warrenty and had lied to my face multiple times so yeah even if it is used check the origin and if you may have to go to her walk away now!

I would say pull off the skirting and check the wiring and plumbing it should be clean and tidy not DIY..also look at insulation is it solid and intact . Our tub cost about 10 buck a month to run on average....take a good look at the cover for this area 4 inch thick is a minimum and the lift for it should assist you as they are heavy( my wife has issues taking ours off unless it is perfectly clear of snow/ice). take a look at the filter(s) they will give you an idea about the maintenance the water has recieved and if you need to be concerned about that area.

yeah..take your time and look real close...
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Old 03-13-2011, 05:48 PM
edreinink edreinink is offline
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Everything they say about getting one rated for the north is true. You will use much more electricity trying to maintain the heat on a cheap one. If you do buy a costco one then think about insulating the inside before you have it all set up.
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Old 03-13-2011, 05:56 PM
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If you are looking for a new or used tub go to Harbour Spas, Jim is the owner and he is a great guy I have known him for several year. I would not buy a used one off Kijiji again, been there done that. Unless there was warranty still on the tub and if it came from a good store not Dynasty, totally agree with Ian statement about them.
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Old 03-13-2011, 06:19 PM
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if you've done the math on these things look used.

I figured the cost of a new unit, power, chemicals spread over 10 years divided by a realistic number of soaks, it gets pricey per dip.
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Old 03-13-2011, 07:19 PM
shootingstar shootingstar is offline
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As with most things "you get what you pay for" We have many friends that bought the "made for the claifornia climate" tub's. For my location (very cold winters) it averages about 100.00 month to run them through the winter. That is just keeping them hot, not anything for chemicals or perhaps water changes. About half of them gave up after their second winter and don't even run them in the winter anymore. they can't afford too.
To me this defeated the purpose entirely.

We bought our hot tub 2-3 years ago now. I researched it like crazy and eventually settled on Arctic Spa, they are made in northern Alberta I believe. that thang is amazing, we use it almost every night (even at -40) and when it snows the snow does not even melt off the cover, that is how good the insulation is.
I have tracked it and it costs us about 30.00/month to run.

PLUS - and this was a big one for me. Most of the metal clad southern spas come only one way/configuration. something silly like 6o-some-odd # jets, coloured lights a bunch of crap you probably don't want.

With the arctic spa, you pick the size you want, and then there are 3 or 4 different levels of features/jets etc. We bought the base model first. then once a year or so we ponder and decide it it is good or perhaps you now have a sore hip or back you didn't have before, you just call the store and they come out and add another jet or 2 or whatever you want. Fast, cheap, easy.
Even the base units are plumbed and wired for all the possible jets, they just aren't all installed. You can add them at will whenever you want for a very nominal cost.

On the southern designed spas, they install the components (pumps/wiring etc) then they spray foam the whole dang thing....if you ever have a problem you have to chop or dig all the foam out and hope you can get access to fix whatever broke.
(imagin filling your basement up to the top of the stairs with spray foam)

On the canadian arctic spas the the wood cabinet is insulated (like you would insulate your walls and attic to keep the heat in) and there are 8 access doors all the way around , 2 per side. you can get to and fix anything that might break no matter where it is.

it did/does represent a lot of money so I spent months and months researching them before we made our decision but everyone has to decide what is best for them.
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Old 03-13-2011, 07:28 PM
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So it sounds like Arctic Spa gives you the ability to enhance later on. That's good to know. I had no idea that you could do that with a hot tub.

Has anyone ever heard of/dealt with Sun Ray Spas? Seems like an Edmonton based company.
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Last edited by ponokareefer; 03-13-2011 at 07:40 PM.
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Old 03-13-2011, 07:57 PM
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if your looking at used take off a few jets they come out, if the person had bad water quality the jets will show it-pH, alk not adjusted right or excessive Chlorine etc. the inners of the jets will help tell that (thell look really worn) and bad water can really be hard on plumbing. definitely get an insulated tub, the other thing is comfort sit in it make sure it feels good for you. I got a Coast Spa its a BC company and very happy with it. i heard bad things about COSTCO tubs.
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Old 03-13-2011, 09:07 PM
RedCoralOnlineStore RedCoralOnlineStore is offline
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Shootingstar is bang on accurate about the Arctic SPa! We purchased ours used actually and it worked put very well for us! Exceptional quality! Fantastic through the winters, incredible insulation and cover. Used all winter, no problems! Only costs us $30 a month to run as well! Would highly recommend salt (aquafinesse) over chlorine or bromine.
I would never look at another brand! These tubs are meant for Alberta winters! You would not be disappointed! Do not buy Costco tubs! We have a friend bought one because it was such a great price... Pump died and acrylic cracked in the first month of cold weather!
Best of luck! We love our Arctic Spa!
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:09 PM
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Agree with the artic Spa's comment.

The initial investment is worth increasing as what you are really paying for is insulation. Try to get a 6" cover as opposed to a 3". Spray on insulation of a least 4". Panel insulation in hottubs can be okay, but you may loose significant heat if the fits aren't perfect.

In our experience, those who buy cheaper tubs pay way way more in the long run in operating costs. It really can mean $60-$70 more in cool months in electrical costs if you get a poorly insulated tub. That can quickly add up to $400-$500 a year in running costs x life of a hottub. Really makes the extra money up front worth spending.

Some newer tubs actually state the R value's and it's shocking the disparity between the low end and high end tubs.

My advice: Lot's of spray insulation, 6" cover, get a tub with 1 motor, skip the bubble maker, skip the water fall features, skip the extra jet package stuff.
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