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Old 09-21-2010, 06:21 PM
moppy moppy is offline
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Default Fish Death continues.... Any solutions....

I've been in the salt water hobby for many years and continue to have the same problem:

Corals live and look great, fish die...

I can't figure it out as I've always been told that corals are way harder to keep than fish but I have no trouble with corals, just my fish...

It's 120 gallon tank with a 40 gallon sump.

FIsh list: Coral Beauty, Yellow Tang, Coris Wrasse, Leapard Wrasse, Bi-Colour and Scooter Blennies, Goby, Firefish and 2 clowns (I could list the other 7 that have died since the tank started 5 months ago but it' too depressing). None seem to be picking on the others.

Water quality is good, no nitrates, no phosphates, calcium and alkalinity are a bit low but not much... Salinity is fine as is temperature.

My copperband was the latest to go yesterday and he has been eating like a pig everyday, looked totally healthy and then dead. Looked at the tank last night and there were 2 large worms (looked like bristle) and about 5 nassiruis? snails eating him. When I put the rock into the tank I tried to do a thorough check to make sure there were not predators and I don't have any clicking to indicate a mantis (nor have I ever seen one).

Will these worms kill fish? The snails? I have no solutions????
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Old 09-21-2010, 06:24 PM
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I don't know why your other fish die but CBB's have a poor track record in aquariums. There has been more then one CBB that has done the exact same thing yours has....eating one day dead the next.

300g tank
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Old 09-21-2010, 06:35 PM
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Unfortunatly you are going to have to list the fish and how long they were in your tank for Some fish just arn't ment for these glass boxes.
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Old 09-21-2010, 06:53 PM
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what is your PH at if it is to high or too low it can kill. some fish are more sensitive than others to this. How long do they live in your tank before they Die?
and what are all the tank test results in digits please.
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Old 09-21-2010, 07:26 PM
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How long has this tank been running.
Which fish have you lost.
Which fish remain.
Describe how the fish are lost. spots, difficulty breathing, sores, just disappear etc.
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Old 09-21-2010, 09:19 PM
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Losing fish like clownfish that some see as bulletproof is a sign that something is seriously wrong but hard to pin down, or test for.
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