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Old 05-31-2010, 01:32 AM
tony_3a tony_3a is offline
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Default WooHoo

Ok so my tank has been running for about 1.5 months now and I decided to get a green bubble tip anemone and i have 2 clowns, and i came home today and they are hosting it now or whatever!! It was very cool for me kinda the first big thing to happen in my tank.

Now on the other hand, my sand bed is almost all brown. its a very light brown kind of tan colour. Im not really sure what it is. Im testing 0 for ammonia nitrates and such, Im kind of lost, anyone know what it is? Ill try to get pics up soon.
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Last edited by tony_3a; 05-31-2010 at 04:28 AM.
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Old 05-31-2010, 01:34 AM
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SeaSerpant SeaSerpant is offline
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The anemone is hosting the clown fish!

The brown stuff on the sand is part of the cycle. It's called diatom algae. When did you put the clowns in? You might have rushed it a bit. But as long as your params are stable then it should be ok!

Hope This Helps
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Old 05-31-2010, 01:38 AM
tony_3a tony_3a is offline
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well I had the diatom bloom like it was long and a lot darker brown, and i put one clown in at about 3 weeks after i was testing 0 for everything for a week so decided to go with it, and i added the second smaller clown about 3 days ago at the same time i added the anemone.
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Old 05-31-2010, 01:39 AM
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Is the brown like a film or just a slight dusting? because it doesn't need to be a dark brown. You may be able to find it if you search it up in google images.

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Old 05-31-2010, 01:54 AM
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Referred to as a microalgae, brown or golden algae is actually not an algae at all, but diatoms. What you are actually seeing in your tank are diatom skeletons, all linked together. It can appear as a simple dusting on the tank walls and substrate surfaces, or it can turn into a massive growth that covers just about everything in the tank. This type of algae outbreak typically occurs when a tank is just completing or has finished the nitrogen cycling process, new live rock is introduced, as the curing process can add nutrients when some organisms on the rock dies off, or tank maintenance has been neglected. It is a normal occurrence, as diatoms are one of the first to appear in the chain when the tank conditions are conducive for algae growth, and is usually a precursor to other forms of desirable and undesirable nuisance type green macroalgae.

Caused mostly by impropper lighting or too much nutrients in the water.

Ken - BWA

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Old 05-31-2010, 03:14 AM
catchandrelease catchandrelease is offline
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I had the same issue, i put in an orange spotted diamond goby and it stirred up the sandbed, then between the goby and filtration its all cleared up.
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Old 05-31-2010, 04:29 AM
tony_3a tony_3a is offline
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Ok so i added some photos, one is my clowns with anemone and another is the golden sand, and the third one is a worm i found, just curious if that is a bad worm or something????
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