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Old 07-24-2009, 10:41 PM
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Default Dangers of riding.

So i am on my way home from red coral on my motorbike. there is an accident on the bridge of shag. the truck in front of me decideds he is going to creeo at 5 KM with no one in front of him to get look at the accident. i yelled get going and he hung his head out the window and flipped me the bird, so naturally i gave it back. the hen e finally got passed the accident i passed him and thought i left enough room be hind me. well here he comes in heis huge f350 at about 140 up my arse and mean up it. he was so close i couldnt even see his bumer just the grill in my mirrror. i doubt it if ther ewas a foot between us. i have never been so scared while riding in my life. then at the last minute he hung a left so i couldnt follow him and smash every window on his truck. WHAT A PRICK...
72 Gallon Bowfront Reef.. Hardware:2x250w Luminex Elite HQI Reflectors (Phoenix Hexarc Bulbs), Galaxy 2x250w Electronic ballast, Euroreef 130 Skimmer, Sedra KSP 7000 Retern... Live Stock: Pair of Hawaiian Flame Wrasse, Leopard Wrasse, Pink Streaked Wrasse, Pair True Percula Clowns, Potters Angel, African Flameback Angel, Orange Fin Tomini Tang, Yellow Assessor, Tailspot Blenny, Purple Firefish..

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Old 07-24-2009, 10:43 PM
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Being a professional driver, poor drivers are my number one "pee" off. They really should make people more responsible for their actions. That's just plain ignorant. When is the world going to start breeding more decent people???
~ Mindy

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Old 07-24-2009, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post

Being a professional driver, poor drivers are my number one "pee" off. They really should make people more responsible for their actions. That's just plain ignorant. When is the world going to start breeding more decent people???
what kind of professional driving do you do Myka?

i completely agree that is a pretty scary move and its to bad you never got the chance to smash the windows out
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Old 07-25-2009, 01:03 AM
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To bad you didn't get the plate. I know cops (at least the RCMP in Sherwood Pk) follow up as I got the call from them about me passing on a double solid then giving the finger the the other driver.

(just too bad they got the wrong vehicle/person as the plate they had been sitting in the garage since I sold the RX7 about 8 years before and I don't own a flatbed Chev)
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Last edited by mark; 07-25-2009 at 01:39 AM.
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Old 07-25-2009, 01:49 AM
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I've been biking for many years and I really try to keep my cool no matter how annoyed I get sometimes at the behaviour of other drivers. I know I make mistakes and annoy other drivers sometimes as well with the odd screw up, so I try to keep that in mind, especially when I'm on the bike. The reason being, just the kind of thing that happened to you and on a bike you don't have a chance. Right or wrong, your'e going to be the one ending up seriously injured or worse, mort, not the guy/gal in the cage. They often don't realize they're essentially in control of a deadly weapon when it comes to bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians.

Just last week I had a motorhome squeeze me out of the left lane into oncoming traffic. Fortunately the road was wide and traffic light enough that I was able to avoid a mishap. At the next light I did decide to pull up next to the guy, not to smash any windows, but simply to ask whether he saw me or not and to be more careful. When I got a look at the driver I realize he must have been 80 if not 90 and his younger copilot apologized before I had a chance to speak. This old gentleman really shouldn't have been behind the wheel. The vehicle was from the states so they were obviously unfamiliar with Vernon and it looked like they were a little lost.

I like to think over the years I've developed a sixth sense when I'm on the bike and seem to anticipate that someone is going to do something goofy, like cut me off or whatever, but you just never know as was the case last week. Obviously the guy in your situation was over the top and didn't care about the consequences of what he was doing. Dudes like that end up getting their just desserts at some point in their life, hopefully before they end up killing someone else. Getting behind the wheel transforms some people, Jekyll and Hyde, I'm like that when I get on the soccer pitch. Pretty mellow any other time, but my competitive nature often gets the best of me when chasing a stupid ball around, he he.
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Old 07-25-2009, 01:56 AM
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I ride bike, and am not ashamed to say I have laid the boots to the door of a car who driver saw me, but proceeded to just pull out, saying whatever,. its just a bike. Laid my bike down to avoid her. Lucky I was only going 25Km/H

I HATE the I rule the road additude.
Dan Pesonen

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Old 07-26-2009, 02:57 PM
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That's too bad you didn't get a plate number. Remember to do that next time!!

Originally Posted by 365seasons View Post
what kind of professional driving do you do Myka?
I have a Class 1A license, so I drive big rigs. I could tell you A LOT of stories about "donkey" drivers. Your risk is much greater on a motorbike, but boy can the 4-wheelers mess you up in a rig. Like when everyone cuts in front of you on a red light...they just don't realise what they are risking. I mean, as a truck driver we expect a bunch of people to cut in front of us at the last second, but sometimes you get that real idiot who really cuts it close and makes you leave 30 feet of black marks on the asphalt in an effort to keep your rig from driving their hatchback into the back of their head. Oh, then everyone looks at the truck driver like he is the idiot. I just have to laugh because it's so stressful when that happens.
~ Mindy

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Old 07-26-2009, 03:29 PM
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Yeah, I have a Class 1 as well and driving those big rigs gives you a bit more respect when you're driving around then in your normal vehicle. Plus the big rig I drove was also a horse trailer, so with seven show horses in the back you have live cargo to worry about too! Geez, I just about break into a sweat just remembering it...

Anyway, sorry, kind of got off topic there.
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Old 07-26-2009, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
That's too bad you didn't get a plate number. Remember to do that next time!!

I mean, as a truck driver we expect a bunch of people to cut in front of us at the last second, but sometimes you get that real idiot who really cuts it close and makes you leave 30 feet of black marks on the asphalt in an effort to keep your rig from driving their hatchback into the back of their head. Oh, then everyone looks at the truck driver like he is the idiot. I just have to laugh because it's so stressful when that happens.
On the flip side of that I have been stopped at a red light with a semi behind me and he was creeping, as most truckers seem to do to maintain some momentum, he jumped the light and pushed my car 20 feet or so. Thank god no one was infront of me or he didn't push me into a busy intersection. God knows how some people keep their licenses.
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Old 07-26-2009, 11:03 PM
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I don't know what it is with Calgary drivers, you would think that we are all here to kill each other violently in Car accidents by the looks of it . I think everyone should be forced to take drivers ed, that and maybe anger management course before they ever step into something that has the mass and momentum to kill someone. There have been way to many times that I have just had to shake my head because of idiotic driving behavior, everything from people not understanding basic rules of the road to cell phones use to road rage.

I have had someone in a duel turn lane (they were the inside lane I was the outside) decide that they wanted to go strait instead of following the rules. Well you can understand my confusion when I'm turning and this lady almost smashes into the side of me. The intersection bust into confusion as everyone stopped, she cut in front of me and gave ME THE FINGER and then floored it in here mini van. Not eight seconds later I have a BMW with out signaling or even looking cut about 3 inches in front of my car. Now I know we all have our bad driving days (I'm a 19 year old male, I probably have a few more than the rest of you) but if people just paid a little attention and used some common sense while operating their vehicles we would never have to worry about stuff like this. That whole F150 story scares the crap out of people, one wrong move and you could of died a very painful death. Probably a good reason my mom has stopped me from getting a Bike.
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