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Old 07-19-2009, 10:06 PM
DragonBallZ DragonBallZ is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 9
DragonBallZ is on a distinguished road
Default Ressurected 75 Gallon.

A while back i went through a bad tank crash and lost everything except my Chainlink Moray Eel and surprising enough, my Rose Bubble Tip Anemone, Chocolate Chip Star, Brittle Star and a few Green/Brown Mushrooms...

Porcupine Puffer, Copperband Butterfly, Yellow Blotch Rabbitfish, Pinktail Trigger and lots of soft corals were all lost.

so after about 4 months of staring at an algae filled tank with one fish that hides in the rock all day, I decided to do some remodeling. I completely redid the rockwork, painted the back and both sides of the tank so that no sunlight can get through because the tank is in the living room, bought a new 400Watt 20,000k bulb for my Metal Hallide, took off the AquaClears and the Rena Filstar XP2 and threw on a brand new Eheim 2028, and throughly cleaned my Protein Skimmer.

Shortly after painting the sides, all the hair algae I had began falling off the rocks in clumps and i was able to pick the rest off with ease.

Once the tank was looking good to my standards I went out and bought a roughly 10 inch Volitans Lionfish, a 2 inch Picasso Trigger and a Sand Sifting Star.

The little Trigger swims side by side with the Lionfish alot of the time, and at feeding time the Lion waits for the Trigger to finish eating before he thinks about sucking in a silverside haha its kind of cool.

Now I just have to restock my corals.

But Its been about 2 weeks since I bought them and I decide to take some pictures.

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