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Old 04-24-2009, 01:45 PM
TVR TVR is offline
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Default Aqua-c ev180 or Others ?

I have this skimmer setup and running in my system.
Let say, my system is about 180G total (Main+Sump) water volume only.
This skimmer rated for upto 180G and I am using it as insump with Rio 3100
*A guy from lfs had come to my house to estimate the price for a new system setup and then had a look at my system and recommended me that this skimmer is not good and I should need to change and use the one look like the tower, I think he meant something like RedSea or the PM ...?
My Aqua C 180 is doing great for me so far with lots, I mean LOTS of collected waste that my uncle helped me setup to have a collection cup drained to 5G containers.
My question is: Since I am new and still under learning curve, I am confused and dont know is it right that skimmers do perform differently for each brandname / design or should they be under the same principle as I thought and that the differences were only the designs and the compact / conveniences each gave and the prices of cause ? SHOULD I UPGRADE MY SKIMMING AS HE SAID ?
Because: I do heard the rumorsthat dont always listen to the experts at LPS (those like PetLand, PetSmart... not our reef store though ) - I am not sure about that rumor, but I did learn that the experts in Canreef much much more is trustable though even though , most of the time, I dont even know who


Last edited by TVR; 04-24-2009 at 01:48 PM.
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Old 04-24-2009, 04:03 PM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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This is one of those things that come down to opinion.

In my opinion there are better performing skimmers than the AquaC at similar prices, it's an older design. The EV series has a pretty unique shape that makes it a good choice in some situations though.

However, if it's not broke don't fix it. Unless you have a problem that you think a different skimmer would address I wouldn't worry about it.
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Old 04-24-2009, 04:33 PM
TVR TVR is offline
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I'll stay with my old EV then.
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Old 04-24-2009, 09:06 PM
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balistidae balistidae is offline
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I had an ev-120 and I loved it
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Old 04-24-2009, 09:17 PM
TVR TVR is offline
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Yeah. I kindda like mine too. The reason I bought it because it's shape fit perfectly into my Sump (And also ... bought in LA at the time $US = $CND so prety good deal)

Cool. I thought not many use Aqua C EV's Skimmers
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